The time is ripe

        I do not know how to start, all I know is that I have to reveal  my path which is not a solitary one. But I found strength and I won!
            I realized that I respect my own ego and cognition that I serve to the ego only as a slave. I was problematic even as a child since I was born to parents who were problematic even more. Therefore they allowed me to do everything I wanted. I was growing up, becoming more obstinate, my parents became even  bigger strangers to me. I derived Understanding and Wisdom from my own conscious, I found some solace with my grandparents. School has been another problem. I realized that the school is run by the biggest idiots, who do this with their own ego, sadism, under the guise of saving human misery and how all will be educated and fair.
             The process shows that the majority of educated people are unemployed. I found out that I live in time of human confusion. I went through school with no effort and with high marks, but they didn`t live me alone. They quickly imposed various competitions on me etc. I found out again, that my school rating must go down If I want to be left alone. So I made sure that my grades  dropped on the lowest level on a scale of  numbers. The result of my decision has led to frequent visits to psychologist and to their analyses which I have solved on a very  funny way, I played with them. My parents were quite calm, they didn`t know what else to do. The relationship between the parents made them busy, so they didn`t have much time for me.
         In elementary school I was occupied with a variety of activities: repairing mopeds, motorcycles, cars, in short, I repaired everything I could. By the way I also became  a slave to the computer. The neighbourhood  felt that I am a guy with my own thinking, that I don`t  allow others to think for me, that is to say, I was deciding for myself. Therefore the distance between me and the others was growing. With me even the girls had their image, space, I created a wall and I didn`t let anyone  disappoint me. Cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and other things also became my friends.
        Soon I also began to bother myself with a proper name, surname, date of birth, education etc. I knew that this has no value, even more, I found out that animals and plants are much more highly developed than man. I also found that man is the lowest developed creature, but he imagines what he is!!! A man is the only creature that in most cases causes only pain, turmoil and chaos.The entire planet came to the unsolvable crisis only because of human greed and envy. I hardly attended vocational school, because my own ego determined a hard life for me very intensively. I expanded my hobbies to music and different social gatherings. I was on the beautiful trails of the war, who am I actually, where do I go. Deep inside I had a great treasure of information, entirely separated from material world, the world of lies and deceits. Besides the mentioned hobbies I ran around  the world, I was looking for spirituality but I found only lies and sick philosophers. Again I felt the deception of man by man. I said to myself: the darkness covered the whole world, the world is crazy but I am not! I was well informed with yoga and different techniques on spiritual seances. I was quite familiar with some, some I found stupid etc. On one hand I set my mind at rest, on the other hand I became even more restless. Actually I was drowning, I had to earn for a living. I decided for a new step so I started to connect with  different baustelle around the world which are useful worldwide nowadays.
          In the beginning I quite liked that, because in a short time I gathered a lot of cash for further trip and adventure.
Deep inside I felt a process I couldn`t name it, but it does not matter, I only felt how it was cutting me  and tearing me apart. I hardly stood on my feet. Baustelle tired and destroyed me, they made me an invalid, in fact, that was my decision. Inside me I sensed only urge for money, I wanted to prove what I can do and became unworthy of myself.
            It was in my early childhood when I already had a feeling that there  is an energy above us, more powerful and Wiser than we are. I sensed that  it is already taken care of for me, if I will only walk on the right path. I also had  a feeling about where and how I will live, have a big family connected with the entire planet. Information was confirmed by a Vision in my dreams, so I became even more restless and impatient about when all that will happen.
When I felt that I am destroyed and frustrated enough, I said to myself I will call that number, which I obtained long ago, but I still masochistically tortured myself in a sense that I am not worthy, but indeed that  was an excuse to retreat.
                 One day I pressed the numbers and on the other side I heard a voice of a child Being who didn`t reveal what sex he should be. The voice had Tenderness and Determination.
I was looking forward to a meeting we settled, I was also afraid and I wanted to avoid it. My ego wanted to prevent the meeting and the solution. Again I felt that I am faithful to my ego.
         It happened. Parents  deigned to take me to a meeting, I wanted to be great so I bought a pot plant to show attention. Oh, what a cheap fool, we found a place without any problem, Heaven and the inhabitants. Of course, A Being who was not repulsive and annoying also get to the door, but at the same time I  felt that this is a clash of my ego, what I sensed in advance. In that moment I felt hostility to the Being. I was very sweet and friendly, may parents didn`t lagged behind. They were hardly waiting that I would find peace and settle somewhere. When greeting the Being I handed over a flower. The Being accepted the flower but immediately laid it off to a nearby bench, my  indignation started to grow and I totally turned my nose up at the Being who has functioned on without any problem in peace and love.
          I felt clearly: This Is It. I encountered with the poison of my ego and  I could tell you more about the reactions in this situation. After a short conversation I asked for a couple of days asylum, because my parents also made me nervous. The Being immediately satisfied me with an explanation: until we will have a good time together. Even than I was not feeling good, I studied neighbourhood, I pondered on it  and I was looking for mistakes for my apology. I was a seeker of  Truth, but when I finally met the Truth I wanted just split on it and glorify myself, no matter that I had only pain and ashes to show.
            Fortunately after a few days my grandfather died. I was very fond of him but I already used him for my excuse that I have to take care for my grandmother who was totally o.k., that is to say, I used a physically dead man and also my grandmother for hiding and avoiding my True Responsibilities.
         I decided to stay with grandmother. I knew very well that this is not the right decision, because I already knew a place which God has prepared for me, and I knew I must not change that. I still couldn`t accept the Real environment so I was hiding on and studied the others. I was forced to ask for some more time while I was still using my grandmother and fed of her pension. I didn`t clung on her pension for long because my care for  grandma was so intensive, that one day clothes began to burn on me, more specifically the working dress. Totally dressed I jumped into a river because I didn`t have time to call the fire-brigade. With such self-foolishness I woke up a little, the October temperatures laid great stress on that. Clothing all of water became very thick while I had less and less presence of mind from moment to moment  because the darkness  was pushing me to the roots of the plants.
         Well, God didn`t want me to die so I survived, a living ghost, as I knew what to do but did nothing. I was obedient only to my delusions and to my foolishness. I re-gathered my courage and I called a number  which I knew very well but my goal was still  just testing the environment to which I belonged to settle my debts and to become a man of the Truth. But in spite of the fact that I was physically so disfigured that I could no longer look myself in the mirror, I was still not willing to step forward. I started to worry, I was deliberately destroying myself, that way I attracted attention.
            It did not come to my mind but it happened. Phone rings and on the other side a voice of a Being whom I already knew:
» We are going to the seaside, you can join us.« Instead of immediate decision, I started to chat about problems and how I must guard my grandma,  but I was the problem of all problems. Two days after a phone rang again. The voice said: » We are going  tomorrow, early in the morning. Bye.« This was such a cold shower that I froze in an instant but I knew I had been given one more chance for victory or doom. I decided in a moment, I arranged the necessary, in fact, there was nothing to arrange and I was already on the right path. In the morning we set out on a journey and I in my terrible lust suggested that I could drive. My fellow  passengers were all eyes and so  telling me what an ungrateful person I am, inside of me I felt what an arrogant scoundrel I am. I sat in the car and joined the other members of the  family. They respectfully accepted me and shared everything with me. That the horror for me would be even worse we went to FKK area in a beautiful nature. The members of the family were very sensible and regardful of me, because they have to hide me from others, at that time my appearance showed  a conflict situation in me. I was thin, as pale as death, I hardly walked. No one passed by without staring at me so we were looking for more isolated places so  that we were  all exposed to the sun, which I needed very much and it helped me a lot. After a few days of proper nutrition, sun, swimming, walking, basketball, tennis  etc. I rehabilitated rapidly, I was in a good mood and I became sociable. At the same time I realized that this is the right step in life and that I am not  able to walk alone. I brought a decision in myself: it is enough. I want to become what  I really am and I accepted a Being that I hated and ignored if I only could. At the same time I realized That The Being Sincerely Comes Towards Me In Unconditional Love By The Will Of God Sathya whom I knew for some time but I ignored him.
             I live in Heaven for five years now, there were ups and downs, now there are only steps forward. The Being Always Coordinates All Matters that serve us for Learning and Growing on our path if we want to solve our interpersonal and
karmic debts and Become A Being of Light and Truth.

          It Is Possible To Live Free From Pain In Joy and In Responsibility Of
Unconditional Service.

      I am willing to help anyone who feel the need to step out from material world. All Is Waiting For you, It Is Taken Care Of Everything If you Only Want.


      Few months ago I turned 70. And what have I left behind? Up until
the last few moments everything is empty and worthless. I had been throwing away my years with a shovel, I was deceiving myself. I had un upright posture, I was smarter than everybody else around me, I philosophized the most to my children, I was convincing them of wisdom which written on a paper was well known to me but in real life I went long way round just to avoid the Wisdom and to appear great. This still happens sometimes but now I began to tighten myself as I unfortunately realized that I have no more than 10 years ahead of me. Even today I sometimes play immature personality, occasionally an excuse of irresponsibility come in handy. I wandered comfortably as a blind man, I was hiding behind people who mean something but they are Humble and Modest, who don`t sicken of rewards and worthless praises like I did, In this way I constantly humiliated myself in spite of the fact that others helped me lots of times, they gave me Strength, Wisdom but I have not taken their help.
All may life I was accepting and playing the role of a double who gave me false guidelines and I blindly served to the misery of my own primitive ego which was stronger than my Essence, The Essence Of Truth which had to wait almost seventy years that I moved toward the Life Of The Truth for just a little bit. It is hard to accept that that was me, that I was able to pretend ignorance. I hardly peek into my early childhood which I was always ashamed of. I was ashamed of everything, I was ashamed of my paralytic father whom some called a cripple. I was ashamed of my grey-haired, embittered and overworked mother. In order to conceal all this I always had good marks at school and I was active wherever I could. That way I started to involve in all sorts of endless games.
      With the loss of my father I started to sober about the Truth that I loved my father very much but I couldn`t accept the way he looked. I wanted to have a father as I imagined but it didn`t work.
       I played a seemingly happy girl but in fact I was looking for company where I felt an inspiration of my father. I quickly used that saying that I`m a poor soul without a father and even when he was still alive he was a patient, an invalid. I liked the company of older men, in everything I was looking for a substitute for my father but when he was alive I was ashamed of him. That way I earned heavy karmic consequences already in very early age, the interests of hatred have still not fully stabilized to this day. Even today it is hard for me to understand that everything is pre-determined long ago and it depends on me whether I have confidence or I am stubborn as I was very early on.
Even today I am sick of comments of majority of adults that a child does not know anything. I speak only from my own experience, each child understands everything and knows very well what lessons do we and surroundings, parents need. Thus we came together to settle our own debts and to stop create new karmic piles. The cruel lesson lies in the fact that when the train departs you wake up and you find out that you yourself incur all the problems.

       Life was going on, I placed dominoes but they collapsed even faster. I have always found the guilt outside of me, never in me. I knew how to deviously deal with the most of participants in my life, I was especially happy with medical experts. Many years ago I suffered a cancer diagnosis. I was quite proud of it because I could hold an entire family and job in check, in short, I was important and that was exactly what my ego demanded from me. We tailor even disease according to the image which is close to us in order to manipulate with the disease. I was very clever in that game as oncologists had quite a good bone for persuading. Later I discovered similar benefactors in the field of psychiatry. When you realize that melodies are sang out, that all the birds know your serenade than a new idea, a new game is needed. When problems inside of me and around me started to pile up I was on the move to decide for the Truth or untruth. I decided for untruth, it was easier for me to seemingly support a human for whom I exactly knew that has very dirty plans. On one hand I was afraid of the thief, on the other hand I was afraid of the Truth as I knew that in this way all dominoes will soon collapse.
          My life was going on, each day I was looking a face of a thief and faces that were truthful. The situation was all but pleasant, I started to understand that I will have to make a step which will enlighten my dirty event.
I decided for psychiatry, I had no other choice. My actions which were one big failure also helped in that direction. My vacation in psychiatry was going on quite well, I continued with my fictional story and shaped it so that the real story wouldn’t be recognized. One week was great, next week a little less, and when it flashed across my mind that even psychiatry will not tolerate my feints forever I started to choke. Psychiatry has repeated a few times in my life until I found out that running away is a barren investment, only in my own disgrace. I myself had to open my eyes and see that this does not lead anywhere, I had to tackle with myself and face all the mischief that I`ve skilfully modelled in my own false benefit which exhausted and ashamed me since my moves were already recognizable and hence boring for the others so that I stayed alone with myself and this was no more interesting even to me.
Cognition, Confrontation!
My life was ruined from childhood onwards and a bit before my fiftieth  anniversary I made a sort of inventory and I found out that I have to break with so far existing steps, that I don`t want to suffer any more. All therapists I had so far haven`t been able to help me, there were many of them, I am ashamed to tell you the number, from alternatives to medical profession.. My need for the problems grew larger and larger. All that time I spoke of how I want to be happy but I ignored Fortune as soon as it came toward me.
One day I looked in the newspaper and there was an article and a small photo which in fact did not show any special attraction. The person in the photo looked uninterested in this world but a Joy inside of me vibrated like never before. I felt, This Is It, I had to get to Her. I started to rummage how to find Her and that the case was a little more wrapped up, the magazine was quite old.  In short, it didn`t go smoothly as I was used to before.  After making a big effort I finally got the phone number and of course I quickly called.  A voice on the other side told me that the Lady is absent for long-term period. An anger started to grow in me, I was thinking how everything is closed for me but on the other hand it was unusually nice to wait, I subconsciously felt that the Bang Of the Truth awaits me. After some time I called again, on the other side I heard a Friendly, Firm Voice. In a second I decided for easier way for me saying that I need help for my child. This was followed by the question about child`s age. Together we found out that he is adult for quite some time and that this person should call for himself if assistance is needed.
It became clear to me – it will be tight. After a few days I re-gathered my courage and I called again the number which was very known to me and I`ve heard a familiar voice. I asked for a meeting and for help. Eagerly awaited date came and we were already sitting together in a friendly, modest little room. I was all of a tremble of impatience about the outcome and solution but she did not pay any attention to that, she vas turning conversation into laughter and fun. In one moment it flew out of me how many troubles I have but she smiled to me and said: Obviously you like the problems, nice rattle, it brings you a lot of fun otherwise your boredom would be even more dreadful. Of course I looked at her with bulging eyes, what is she saying to me, to poor poor girl who has nothing but troubles and than a completely different picture of my true state was revealed.
      On the table in front of her I noticed a completed text Of The Holy Bible Of God Jesus, Of God Sathya Sai Baba. The last statement was worded as follows: The House, The Family must be built on solid foundations, if you build a house on barren soil, sand, its future is shaky, full of pain and suffering. She looked at me with sadness and Sensitively asked me what my foundations are Because of condemnation of others a crisis occurred in my conscience. I have to deal with my contribution of the Truth into my family, in my house and accept responsibility, consequences and start to live for a generous today, tomorrow etc.. I have received detailed guidelines, but about everything I decided for myself and this is still the same today. The guidelines were not to my taste. I was told that I can forget them or use them if I will decide for Reasonable Life Inspiration. My life started to change so quickly that I could not follow. Others began to warn me about beautiful changes and also about the changes that others have not liked. It all began to change because of the control and purifying. One of the guidelines sounded that I have to Donate Only Noble Deeds to myself and from myself and I started to stick to that. Even in my head I had more clear information and the feeling that I have to bump with my head into the wall if I want to achieve something, started to diminish. My life became easier, the picture of the Truth unveiled me more and more how I was the one who closes everything to myself because of my own ego and selfishness to all beautiful things. Seemingly I was playing some sort of polite lady but in fact I was only a moving wreck. Changes were numerous, I realized in myself that if I follow The Feeling Of Truth everything is OK. Otherwise I also felt consequences that gave me a clear message how it is not wise to ignore God in me because every one of us carries God in his heart but walks to Him on the longest path. I started to build dominoes of who I was, who I am, who I don`t want to be any more and that I want to live. I Started To Feel the need for a new Family on a Solid Foundation. I did not understand the new feeling but one day I took courage and I asked some members of my New Family but nothing tangible was revealed to me. I felt that this is the question for the Lady but I was already looking for corners how to resolve the question as I was not able to solve it by myself. I noticed in me that I envy the Lady, who to my notion was Getting information from some hidden tabernacle. On one of the following Meetings She said Directly: You are wearing Heavenly information in yourself but to you It causes you a pain. Her Sincerity apparently relieved  the situation to me, on the other hand a jealous in me increased, why She can but I can`t?  Envy in me was slowly but surely growing! My life was becoming more and more clear to me and I started to realize what nastiness I wore in me and how I operate with them at my own sweet will but now I Clearly Felt that this should be the past. By following an Internal Call and with my own decision I already travelled on with my New Family. Those were mostly beautiful and Joyful moments but according to my old and well known program I more or less tested and looked at Her, Who Helped us on every step we made no matter what.  She Always Found solutions and She Lessened the consequences as much as she could. I was not the only one who tested her, there were more such scientists but we knew how to conceal this from each other cunningly thinking that She does not Know.
However, we all sc….. ourselves and we found out that she knows it all and that she is well aware of what we can do if we want and what we are still causing with our non-human relations. Her greatness is so amazing that our stupid minds are not able to understand. I realized that I was obliged to care for my Pure attitude towards all Beings especially to the Being Who Gives Only Love and Unconditionally Trusts In God Sathya And Does Not Step Aside for no price.
Just before the fifties after 20 years of intensive Learning what is The Truth and what the untruth is has brought  me the Cognition and Clear Awareness. This happened after countless of attempts that I will finally find at least one mistake on Her side but it Always turns out that Her Guidelines Are Oriented In The Right Direction And Will Stay The Truth Forever no matter how someone toils himself  with that!
A bit before I was seventy it Busted in my head, It Occurred To Me, Now I Know For  All Eternity, This Is My Dear Aloisia,  I have often treated You  badly and undignified  but You Were Always Here For Me, Always Humble and With Dignity. I am Infinitely Grateful To You and I know very well and I Ask You, Please Protect me also in the future, Only Beside You I Feel  God`s Safety . The Bang Of Light Revealed Me, You Are God Dear Aloisia! After numerous obstacles, complications and barricades, You brought me To The Bang Of Light!



Life In Timelessness, Love, Peace, In Harmony with all Beings

    Aloisia Is My God Teacher. God Sathya And Aloisia`s Wisdom Are My Holy Father And Holy Mother. They Teach me
The Truth and The Wisdom of Living with The Nature, They Teach me to Recognize what is Right and what is wrong. You Are My Source Of Life And The Sun Of Happiness. I Surrender My Heart To You and I am asking You Please Lead me And Protect me also from this time on.
       I know for sure, if there wouldn`t be You, I would be there no more. With Your Help I have Sensed The Meaning Of Life, Happiness, Joy, Health, Peace. I`m happy that you are still alive despite of all the difficulties that I have caused you. There were moments when I wanted to erase you. I was causing all that out of pure selfishness to you.
You Are God, I Know That For Sure and I Know very well that God`s Mercy Gave me You , that I may live with You.
I have a feeling that I should write a Book about you but it is not easy to write About You because You Are So Simple, Humble, It Is Very Difficult To Find The Right Words For You.
I was often envy and evil to You, now I know that this is a sin. It was hard for me to Understand that You Are A Being Of Truth and I am Gabriela. I am not ashamed to confess my own actions. I am aware that only sincerity can Face me with myself. Only in this way I can look into the Eyes Of Truth.
I would like to help all those who still don`t want to admit, it is easier to hide and blame others.
I became speechless as God Sathya revealed Who Is With Us.

Driving from Madras to Puttaparthi

     India is a union of many states. Once we were on our way to Madras where war riots were going on. From Madras to Puttaparthi we travelled by van. A taxi driver in Madras was very happy when we negotiated about the price. But he forgot that there were many small countries which we had to cross and the law for the taxi driver was applied only to the first border. When the taxi driver seized that he got into a mess he started to explain to us in teluga language that a major problem which refers to border crossing is ahead of us. When we finally settled a matter, Aloisia patted him on the shoulder and She said To Him Laughed That Everything Will Be All Right Because God Sathya Is The Driver. He looked at Her suspiciously as he did not see God Sathya anywhere. After twelve hours when we arrived in Puttaparthi he just shook his head and said that he ask God Sathya to accompany him on his way back home. And So It Happened.

The altar of snakes

    Aloisia blessed each visit to Puttaparthi with surprise. One day she proposed to us to visit the largest tree in the world. We all agreed and the next day we drove to the appointed place. We travelled few hours and we were already by the tree but we have not seen anything. We were standing on the numerous intertwined roots, there was a large crown above us which covered the view in all directions. Aloisia asked once again if we want to climb up on a high rock which was a bit away. Except one person we all agreed and we already marched following Aloisia who led us to the top. We were going up undisturbed and so everyone in the group reached the large flat rocks, just one lady stayed in the valley because she was afraid of the snakes. On The Rocks A Beautiful View Awaited Us. Beside wonderful viewing and sunbathing we also had a rich cultural program which I will never forget.
After the program we smoothly returned back to the valley without seeing a single snake. The lady who remained in the valley had a lot of problems with snakes. On our return the local people have told us with fear that we were on the altar of the snakes and that locals never go there. Once again we all could See How Firmly Aloisia Trusts God Sathya.

Unforgettable Moments of Sewing and Tailoring

   Life has shown the need for new clothes but at that moment a dressmaker who would quickly and properly settle the matter was not at hand. It is never hard for Aloisia to deal with whatever is necessary and so she quickly brought a decision that we will do it by ourselves. Already we had the material and the picture of what should be born. Aloisia tailored, I sewed. It always turned out great without any tailoring patterns. Aloisia`s tailoring patterns are of course invisible but they are Unique and Genuine. This Is How The Invisible World Flows if we Can accept it.

I like to remember the event which is bound to Aloisia`s Help. When our collective Home started to Rise, a lot of innovations have been opened with actions and new steps. Mother Nature Gave us a lot of Healthy food, we collected and stored It in many different ways. There was a need for a greater quantity of jars and we found a very attractive price, but everything took place across the border. Each time a large number of passengers sat in the van and so we have often solved illogical laws. One day we went to the trip again to get some jars. There was a crowd in the storehouse and there in the corner Aloisia noticed a man who had problems of how to store all the jars in his caravan car.He was also moaning that he does not have enough money for another tank of petrol. Aloisia approached and offered him help. He was told that with Trust he might take home all the jars with a single run. At first he was looking at Her very strangely, he was really in troubles, he thought a little and he said: I would be really happy if you could make it, but I know that glasses can tot be compressed like paper so I think it is a waste of time. For us who were present it was very educating how the arrogance is destructive, you are looking for help and at the same time you are categorically rejecting it. Aloisia`s Humility and Sensibility were deeper than the hapless glasses buyer. She once again came toward him, this time he relaxed and said to her to go on and we`ll see. Aloisia told him to come back after 10 minutes and when he came back at the appointed time he didn`t have any words. He realized his arrogance, he apologized, waited for a while, he said nothing, he studied us a little as he saw that we were all involved in putting jars in his car. In fact he did not understand anything. But he surely knew that he met a person who is functioning in the way he is not accustomed to. He stood upright and looked at Aloisia once again and wisely said: I know very well that Jesus exists, but now I know that there is also a Jesusia (woman`s name for Jesus) . All participants in this event were very happy and proud of Jesusia. Mister said goodbye, he thanked for unusual help and said that he will never forget it, he sat in the car and drove to Kragujevac, lucky so much, with all the jars!



  I was still a little girl when I started to Understand the difference between people, particularly  in behaviour and importance of the individual or an institution. In a small family this is not so perceivable, in a family with more flow bad moves manifest sooner. I had the opportunity to learn from observation and feelings how can a man behave with Dignity or as an inhuman penance!
       I dared to monitor the moves, the acts of adults, I couldn`t just accept them, I was waiting on some kind of co-speaker in me who gave me a feeling of Happiness or discomfort.
       The primary family was not numerous, the family tree with the previous tree trunk had a lot of main branches as well as countless of new sprouts. I know very well that all cells have different connections with different interests, I also noticed that all ties are not equally strong. When I was very young I felt that I was focused more towards a person who was not the closest branch of my family. That person was becoming more and more important to me, I wanted to follow her, to be near her if I only could! Soon I realized that this quickly clouded the weather conditions in the basic cell. If I wanted to prevent  the thunder  in the family I turned on an anti-shooting mauritius ignorance to the certain sprout, that way I assured that life was going on, in boredom of course! I have made a considerable progress in observation, if I have followed fast the events took place more quickly. I was becoming more and more critical to myself and also to the other members of the family and so we started
to annoy each other!
   I decided to be seemingly still a girlie of a basic tree but indeed I have already diverged in the side branch of independent thinking and deciding.
The last two choices didn`t bring me only fine strokes, a kind of arrogance intruded  into my flow of life but I already knew how to hide and conceal it! My chosen victim was ideal for my moves, Her Kindness became even more suitable for hiding from responsibilities! I have made a decision, I followed the Person who was my Ideal, I loved Her, sometimes She got on my nerves because I couldn`t form any permanent image.
    Her Image was Changing Constantly. She never dramatized any problems, She always Knew how to find Wisdom, Joy in the pile of mud and troubles.  This Is She, This Is What She Is, She Will Stay Like This no matter how that suits us. Envy and evil people have made  assaults upon Her since Her early age and She is used to such treatment. When we need Her we are mostly hypocritically friendly, when we don`t need Her we insult Her, we are malicious to Her! Since I know Her She never paid any Attention to that. When She Feels She Is On The Move  She Simply Settles  and  Resolves the matter And She Withdraws. I know now that She was long ago called up into the  Duty Of Unconditional Service. The number of Those who suspect what
This means is even today very small!!!
      God Put Her in my hands, at the same time my happiness sometimes skipped the fence and turned into haughtiness. In fact I allowed that myself because there were occasionally some envious persons in a new Carefree nest who wanted to cause a turmoil between me and Her! I began to learn about myself, what I carry within me. Learning was not just gymnasium, The Invisible Faculty is much more difficult because it does not tolerate inhumanity. For the one who is strong in inhumanity this is a great pleasure but in the long term this is only the transit of luggage for funeral ceremony and re-adoption of the next birth with even bigger Karmic package that spares no one!
          Slowly I started to unknot Who my aunt really is, She never wanted to hear that word and I also removed it from my mind. With Her I never felt any difference between her son and the rest of us and this is
still the same today.
My attitude to the surroundings is of different nature, I am always trying to turn things into a Noble solutions  but I sometimes fail. My life was going on, occasionally problems piled up but my ugly exploiting old habit was that I have pushed responsibilities on Her Back. I should instead confront and solve the problems with my own capability and responsibility. I failed many times so I was forced to ask for advice and activated it in a real life on the Right way!. This means, if you are on the Right Path never persuade anybody about any action, Do it  right, step back and all will be Solved By The Will Of God, As God Is The One Who Sees Everything, Knows Everything! The Truth Never Ever needs proof as it is The Truth Itself! Also The Untruth reveals itself as the law of Karma does not allow injustice to any creature! If I would not be well informed about the law of Karma and of Trust to Sri Sathya Sai Baba I would have passed away long ago. Without Trust and Pre-insight of What A Man Of The Truth Can Do, the madness of the today`s world, the laws and inhuman
 would have broke me.
  But the Power Of The Truth and Self-responsibility has been Given  to me from a Person Whom I disgustfully exploited for a long time and in the Most Difficult Moments She Seemingly Pushed me away, I grew up In An Instant and I Became Responsible For The Whole Crown And
 Carefree Nest!
      Deep inside me the events from my early childhood began to Disclose, why such Trust and an affection For The Certain Person? In the same time I was  often listening ugly unsuitable comments about The same Person, how could I understand all this? I was observing the relations between individual branches and twigs which often showed discrepancy to Certain Person, especially when there were no problems. In such occasions She was not welcomed at all. I was especially Moved by this one time which is exclusively connected with the health of my right foot. When I was born the Guardian immediately noticed that the right foot had a small defect. She quickly informed my superiors that the time of rehabilitation and medical assistance is needed. It lasted too long, my foot occasionally hurt me a lot. After some time when there was no response from  the surroundings and the doctor on regular checkups didn`t react She Took the matter in Her hands as usual and action. She told me it will not hurt, all we need is a remedy so that the leg can develop normally. I was very grateful, at that time I knew very well that something is not o.k. with my right leg.  She Took Care For Everything, we were just ordered to come to the clinic. My folks arranged everything and I was already in plaster. We hurried up home like all would be all right. I have been  told that nothing will hurt but this device hurt me badly. It turned out rather handy, I said to myself : Well, She lied. I had to use this orthopaedic help regularly but that was a torture and I could not accept it. After a few days my Guardian came to see me, she immediately perceived the horror which was not noticed by anyone who were constantly present! Horror, the right foot hurt me, but orthopaedic device has been tailored for the left foot and absolutely nobody noticed. The situation was not pleasant for anybody especially not for them who somehow had to disclose human carelessness and irresponsibility of all who were involved into my health development to that time. We were all left without words, actually no discussion was necessary, everything was clear and as usual the problem was Solved by the Saviour who is never looking for importance!
   A few years later when my physical health restored and I have forgotten it all, an instep of the right foot started to hurt me, without any reason, so I thought. They said if you hit nothing, nothing can hurt. Oh, what a miserable thinking, but A Person Who Understood such phenomena was among us, She Correctly Explained them to us but my surroundings was wiser and they interpreted all events on their justifiable way. The Interpretation Of Truth was usually spat and mocked.
   I Firmly knew that the reason for my pain is elsewhere but how to get to The Truth and save it. Dear God Has Felt my distress again, as usual He sent me A Saviour, everything was Solved and the pain was gone!. When She Came among us She invited me for  short walk, We sat down to  soft grass, She Gently Caressed my foot, In This Moment There Was No More Pain, She taught me how o Cooperate with Pain, how to Derive Wisdom from Pain, She Revealed to me that all problems occur with Purpose, it depends on us whether we become Wise or crippled by our own decision or we become an experimental rabbit for scientists!
At this event She probably felt that I Matured and She Revealed to me some of my next steps if I will decide for them, She also said I can change nutrition if I want and She gave me A Guideline about it, She Clearly Said that  killing and consuming bloody food is pure poison for the body and it is followed by illness and with all that goes with unhealthiness. Briefly She told me about The Invisible World, How Can It Help  Me If I Trust It and if I Trust Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In a few words She told me about Her Path Of The Truth, She told me why She is annoying to many and why they often mock Her!
   She Lightly Smiled to me and said, you know, I Am Living In A Different World, In A World Of Truth! But most of the people live in the world of illusions, in the world of fake and passing goods which enslave you to the moment of Realization that God Is The Only Truth Of All Truth!
             My life turned into the Other Direction, I have chosen The Right Path for myself, of my own volition!
There was a lot of newness to me and a lot of learning when I became a member of the new Cell. Life Was getting new Dimensions, I also began to Feel Different World of which it is difficult to speak, in fact it is Inexpressible! One after the other the events were going on, the whole Cell was moving rapidly, new Steps followed. I increased the Observation On events, I tried to understand them but I often failed. Whenever I felt the need for Explanation I was given a chance to get to Her as everybody else, but we mostly prefered to ruminate in our heads and we interpreted events in our own way! I noticed how hard it is for me to say please, how I became arrogant, I saw that with others  too, I noticed that we all enjoyed that we were big on Her Back! I noticed that in a new cell the same story was going on as in the first! I unknotted by myself what it is all about??? Most of humanity in nothing but wild beeeast and does not want to accept God`s Beauty at all. It is much easier to suffer and to be in pain, it is easier to manipulate with that, to find an excuse, to extort mercy! I got it, we are all looking for help but we all want that this help is  of our creation. Since it was not so we were all sarcastic to the Person Who Provided us with a Carefree life In All Areas! There has Never been a lack of anything, She treated us all the same without distinction but we allow us to be dirty and we played mutual primitive game with Her. With Her it was Taken Care of for everything, for school, university at home and abroad, for a healthy diet, clothes, for the contact with Earth, cultural activity, music, tours, travels, different visits! With time all this became natural to us and we started to use Her as a milking benefactor, we also knew how to activate malicious rage to Her. The flow of life showed us how we can have a nice time, but majority decided to run away out of pure boredom to hug….! I was also on the edge of what to do, it was often hard, but Common Sense always Saved me and in Discernment I always Realize That I Must Not Omit This Chance!
Her Heart Is The Heart Of Forgiveness, She knows for our faults and She Mysteriously Guides them to Nobility!
Since I know Her She Is Saying, don`t be ashamed of the mud which escapes you on the surface in a million ways, be Courageous, accept yourself as you are, recognize your actions, their origin and purpose of the current and previous period and lead them towards Nobility. Our Mission is to Understand and Confront with our own actions, origin and purpose. If we approach to ourselves uncompromisingly, it quickly becomes clear to us to whom we serve? It is for sure that darkness has  a very tempting tactic, it always serves us with million charming delights, we are easily imposed upon them, we get burned again but we are never too old to learn.
God offers us nothing, God Gives everyone everything that he needs on his Path Of Truth, we just don`t want to take and accept! Most of us know the feeling of arrogance, we are proving to God that we are wiser and more clever because we invented computer, we know 25 letters of alphabet and 9 numbers and we think that we hold the entire world in check with this. But that the whole world is crazy, in crisis in all areas, that all is poisoned, air, water, earth, food etc., this is not a distressful crying of a young one who has lost his mother, this is a thought about how humanity is wasting the opportunities just because we ignore God!  My Decision Is That I  Never Leave God Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I Follow Him Firmly And I Hold On To Aloisia And
 I Hurt Her Never Again!
 There Are Many Unforgettable Moments Linked With Her, actually the Life With Aloisia Is So Carefree and Forever Memorable if I am able to calm down my mind, that I Let The Invisible World, The World Of Truth To Revive In Me, Around Me.
I feel the need to Speak out about the Event that will Enlighten All ! She prepares us and warns us to certain events that are coming towards us and we are obliged to accept Them, regardless of the weight and consequences for an individual or the whole family. Very gently and carefully she began to warn us that almost every night she is watching the beds in hospital, she is dressing pyjamas and tearing them of herself. Hospital beds were dancing in front of her opened eyes etc. That was going on quite a long time, several months, she was warning us about precaution, she guarded us even more carefully than usual. Whenever She Led A Prayer She Always Asked God Sathya that all rough flows of life which are necessary for our learning would go Through Her. We were just watching Her and we said that everyone should gets what he deserves regardless of the weight of the event. We were all smart in debate but indeed we were all afraid what the Messages will bring because we all saw hospital in different images! We were seemingly calm but indeed we were very scared, we felt Severity which was coming towards us in
 an Unusual way!
A beautiful sunny day, we decided to store some ripe corn, we asked our neighbour for a machine as usual, it was immediately at hand, the machine was already in the  courtyard as well as the corn and all that was needed for action including good will, since for us the work is a Ceremony and not effort! Children were waiting on the trailer with white containers which they filled with corn pods, an operator of the process was between the trailer and the machine, as usual  She was at the end of the machine as the rest of participants needed for sorting and storing the corn. Everything was perfect as usual, we knew the procedure very well,at once a voice Stop!!! The operator immediately stopped the machine but it was too late, the cylinders have already compressed Her Four Fingers On Her Right Hand. O, Horror, we were all in shock, Only She Was Calm, Reasonable as nothing has happened! It was not possible to get the Hand out of machine before it was dismantled, all persons present were ignorant and in shock. When we were looking Her squeezed and Seemingly Helpless we Felt What God Can Do If We Let Him!
She Was On Her Knees, She Was Calm and Guided us what to do and to dismantle the machine. Everything went smoothly, when the machine slackened She Took Her Hand which Had A Rather Sad Image In Her Arms, caressed it and said: Take Care For A golden Home, I am going to the hospital just for a while to arrange this, I will be back soon, She has wrapped Her Hand in a white towel, embraced it, One Finger and Four Black Compressed Fingers Like A Banana Peel. But 40 Minutes After The Machine Which Taught Us A Lot  Was Dismantled, There Was No Blood at All! It hurt us, it hurt, We Were Aware That She Protected Us Through Herself, In This Way God Revealed To Us What Is
     The Power Of Unconditional Service! Her Smooth Flow of Life Never shows any disability, distress in any field. She is still the fastest at work no matter what we do, Her Cheerful Nature also brings us a Lot of Educational Humour at the expense of Four Invisible Almighty Fingers.
           We have seen how God has prepared us and Taught us Through Dreams, He Has Prepared Her To Painless State What Was
 Not The First Time!  
That`s not all, one year after the corn ripped again, once more we asked for the same Machine and we got it, the same team was present in peeling corn and everything ran without problems. During our work we felt that a machine does not want to leave us any more, Aloisia Suggested us to buy it, we asked the owner, he had very strange look, he said that a machine caused us a lot of problems and pain. We were all silent as he didn`t Understand The Message And Learning Through The Machine, Through Aloisia To all of us! When he was watching us he suddenly decided and he sold us the machine for a ridiculous low price And The Machine Has Already Had A New Home. We Put The Machine In Order, Enriched it with fresh paint and It  Breathed In A New Family As God`s Teacher!
A few months later a car arrived in the courtyard, a gentleman of middle age came out of the car, She was standing nearest to him, they greeted, they shook hands with no problem, She never uses any other moves in handling.
Mister said that he is from the insurance company and that here is one invalid at this address. Aloisia was looking at him and replied, this is a mistake, there is no invalid. Mister checked himself, he looked at the documents on which Her address was written. She smiled and said, yes, this is me, but I am not an invalid. The agent quickly corrected her, here it says that you don`t have four fingers on your right hand. She Smiled again and asked him, did you not just shake hands with me a few moments ago? He blushed, apologized and said, I did not notice that you are Without fingers, he was so faithful to his job that he missed the essence of his job!
It Is True, She is shaking hands normally with everybody, only some notice it, some ask, some know, mostly they Understand, some enjoy. Let it be!
I will continue with writing


      For a long time I feel that it is right to Reveal at least some Fragments Related To Life With Aloisia.
     It is difficult to express with words how huge is the human`s envy, there aren`t any words. I have been thinking for a long time how could I help somebody that way because I had a lot of problems in this area. Envy is an envy, it is a time bomb in which other lethal bombs are often hiding and waiting for a moment of explosion and devastation!
     It was difficult for me to see who I Really am, that I carry a bomb of passion for destruction within me which was often out of control. In this way I realized who I am, what my pleasures are and what that has brought me except pain and more hatred to myself, consequently to the surroundings! I assume that similar situation occurs also with some others. When the situation repeats endlessly I hope that everyone get tired just like I did and you admit the Truth.
     Life with Aloisia has often made me crazy, I started to realize that I Actually Can Not hurt The Being Of Unconditional Service, all that I do  returns to me a thousand times! If ICan Give Love, I Receive Love. If my moves are of evil nature, interest rise without mercy and it is difficult to take from the account of the Truth and The Law Of Karma Which  Are Always On The Lookout, They Are Fair And Merciless to anyone At Any Time, In Any Place, With All The Beings! I Attained This Wisdom With Aloisia`s Help, She Always Helps Me With Love, I had to Mature I had to Realize Aloisia`s Wisdom, Unconditionally Accept It! This way the bombs in me exploded, I stayed alone on the ruins and A Long Time Waiting Self-realized Truth Was Born! I Am The Truth!!!
     I am standing before a New Decision which is no more suffer for me, I feel Warm now,  I  Love All and I would like to Share this with everybody, become Happy, all of us, This Is The Purpose of the Visit On Earth!
    When I was younger and I attended catechism  I listened to the priest who said: no one can die until you repent. Dear brothers and sisters, I died, I Changed, A New Dress Is Waiting For Me, A Dress Of Truth!
    After several months when I re-crossed the doorstep of The Holy Home again, the Home we built together under the Auspices of Aloisia, an inventory of history flashed through me, What Aloisia Can Do. I know very well that there was So Much Beauty and Unforgettable moments but also so much cruelty what is also Written in our Karmic Debts of Reconciliation Forever! It Would Be Right if everyone would burn up his bombs, Overcome his blind resentments and we would Meet Again, Embrace Sincerely, Look Purely  into each other`s eyes, Forgive one another our sins! In This Way A Reconciliation of all who are in any way related to Place Puttaparthi 2 is possible. Everyone should Allow The Chance in himself, Let  The Miracle Of All Miracles Happen!
   Life on Earth is so short, it makes no sense to dramatize, now I know how quickly it can be Nice. I am also aware how many times I precisely wanted that it was hard for all! I have finished with the dark life, now I am Joy, Respect, Love!
    I am aware that it is not easy to overcome false beliefs, pain, resentment inside of you, now I know that this acts are a fiction of mind of your false self! Everyone shall decide in himself for a Turning Point in Life, as you can see what Bloomed out of that whining and bent Galabi! I feel that only a few of you trust me, but never mind, Now I Know Who I Am And This Is Who I Want To Stay! I was gathering courage for this writing too, I will probably  receive ha ha comments, laughter, but never mind. I Ask God Sathya To Bless This Message, The Letter Will Reach Everyone Who Has Been Called In Mentioned Place, in spite of the fact that we have scattered on different locations according to our own volition, never mind. If, Together Again, Our Hearts Can  Sing A Song A Holy Heaven, I Know For Sure That We Will All Be Saved, No one will bother again with the questions of when and how will he discover any mistakes in Aloisia, condemn Her for his own failure and disappointment in himself. Aloisia Is Indispensable, Unmistakable, Humble! This is what we could not stand!
For our Perception She Has Long Ago Rushed Far Ahead, we shall take our own steps, our speed to the Truth and it is nice for all!
    God Sathya I Ask You For Help, Blessing, Please Help Us To Overcome those dark obstacles To The Truth, That We Become All Your Flower, The Flower Of The Truth!

Planinca Is Puttaparthi Now
It Is Revived
Light, Joy and Shine
Glitter In The Eyes
Friendly Sun Is shining
And The Stars Are Glowing
We Are All One Family
Hearts Glow In Love In You And Me !
Om, Om,Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om, Om Sai Ram

    The Wisdom Of Mother Nature
    To me, the Nature has always been very close, I wanted to be with the Nature and in my mind I have shaped the image of life In Nature, it was my Feeling of course as there was a Guideline of clearly Defined Path in my Conscious, if I will follow that Guideline!
    I have always highly appreciated the Nature, especially I liked, I like fruits, vegetables, if it grows in a natural way with no force caused by some.....! I didn`t dare to think that for all That It  Has Been Taken Care Of In The God`s Dowry, that A Holy Paradise, A Holy Garden Is Waiting, in fact, somewhere Deep inside me I Sensed that since I was a little girl.
    I travelled, tripped over the obstacles that I have chosen myself, I faced and fought with them in many ways and I was clever as only a human could be! After several years of repeating the exams, looking for curves, condemning others for my problems, I broke! When I was torturing myself and the surroundings, I gave the chance to many healers to earn money on me, but no one gave me help and improvement at least for few days!
    God Helps When We Ask Sincerely, When We Are Humble, it was the same with me. When I studied alternative, and of course I didn`t lagged behind in medical profession,  just a suicide and a grave were an option. But I was a weakling, I couldn`t do that, at the same time I Felt that Heaven On Earth Is Waiting for me and This Is Exactly What Happened.
     One day I almost cracked  under the strain  also because of the pain in my body which I dosed to myself as much as I wanted and I of course was the smartest about what is happening with me.
    That day I spoke with a colleague, she mentioned the person, place, she gave me a phone number. After a few days I called, there was a Calm Voice on the phone, without any definition, after few weeks I got the date, this is it.
   Eagerly awaited visit came, I  took care for my look and I was already standing in front of the Plain Wooden Doors on the fifth floor in a block of flats which was not  Luxury!  I rang the bell, the door opened. In front of me I saw A Friendly, Smiling, tanned skin female Being, with big Blue Eyes! It was all Unusual, Heavenly, after a while I registered that I did not feel any more pain, no more fear. The Feeling was telling me that I know Her Eternally, that I have come to the Saviour, who gives no promises, who takes nothing but She Is Firmly Connected To God Sathya Sai Baba, who was then considered more or less a foreign matter in our country!
   We didn`t talk about my problems, actually I did not have them any more, we talked about Nature, I was of course very smart about what I already knew about the Nature. Later she Asked me directly, would you accept a life in Nature, of course, with pleasure. She was looking at me and question again, do you know what did you respond so quickly? I was Astonished, I watched Her in amazement and she answered, you know Very Well The Content Of Your Task, for which you came to Earth! You alone have decided for different path, you have taken a major detour. Become Grateful For All Problems that you have acquired this way. Your Problems are Your Teachers, You Saved Yourself!
   My life started to move in the Right Direction With God, Whom I wore in me all the time and in tabernacle I left alone that little god from....! God`s Place was really waiting for me in Untouched Nature, I began to get to know myself, that I really like to be with the Nature on my selfish way which was tied more on my tongue than on the hands of Love.
    At the beginning everything was simple, The Garden Of Eden Was Small, hands and mouth were many!  This was the Golden beginning Of New Learning By Mother Nature With The Eternal Laws Of Wisdom written down, but not on the paper, In The Heart! We lived carefree, we renovated our Home, each of us was Learning and following the Mother Nature according to his ability. Life was flowing intensively because every one of us had his own ambitions, but at the same time we were travelling to the same goal, to get rid of the yoke system as soon as possible and become independent at least with the food. We succeeded, in a very short time we fulfilled the conditions and decided to buy another much larger Estate Which Has Provided us With All Necessary to Create what is foreseen in God`s Plan for us! Conditions were not the most ideal, but we accepted them, we ran into a gallop and we were overcoming ourselves. When the conditions have improved, different interests started to show up, the most in the area of ruling! But In Our Holy Project the ruler is not essential at all , The Truth Is, everyone must be the ruler of his own mind!

    Life In Nature was receiving new and new dimensions which were often in conflict with me. We don`t use chemistry in our estate, there is no killing , we are all Vegans. The relations between us should be Based on The Truth etc. When I observed myself I have noticed that this is not always true, that there is another plague boiling in me, which was throwing me from doorframes. The Plants showed me this in a most painful way. Their protest was expressed in such a way that they didn`t want to grow, they dried and became rotten but if I were Adjusted All Prospered! It was the same with animals, If I fed them in Peace and Love  they were Happy, they ate with pleasure, if I was restless, incompatible with Nature, they Refused me and they were aggressive to me and to each other. I started to realize that my tricks were not known only to Aloisia, my bad traits were also familiar to animals and plants for which I was comfortably hiding and used Their Confidence! When the year came around there was also a terrific Lesson, as there was no crop and entire family was affected. Why the entire family had to be affected, because they didn`t throw me out of a Comfort Nest Where I didn`t belong! I had to Realize that for myself, I didn`t have the Right attitude to Mother Nature, I had it mostly on my tongue!
     My need for a Real Learning of Wisdom to  Mother Nature with Aloisia was often of distorted nature, pure envy , how This All Passes Through Aloisia. She never Uses any calender, lunar guidelines, an external information, She Feels, She Knows When Is The Right Time, When and How we can Join the Plants, what is it that we Can Do and Humbly Withdraw From Their Peace. I often used the Intimate Nature, Animal World for hiding and the outcome was sad especially because I knew very well that my trick was  not lonely, there were more of those who have been hiding, each was convinced that he was well hidden and concealed from others!!! None of the mentioned participants did not realize that all Acts are Forever Recorded In Karmic Laws because we are all Teachers to each other, a Mirror to each other!
     Aloisia`s Tolerance is so Wide and Deep that my mind can not imagine that, I liked carefree life with Her  As It Is Taken Care Of Everything! It didn`t last long, I started to annoy myself, I also became physically unimpressive, I stuffed myself with the Noble Food in large quantities but also that didn`t fit me any longer! The time of decision came, I had to confront with myself, I didn`t belong in the Heavenly Place. I had a little discernment left and I didn`t accuse anybody for my failure, that was my dirty way, I had to clean it myself. For all the pain I caused to the Family members I couldn`t look anyone in the eyes. I felt Mercy in every one of them, they still Loved me, I was envy again and malice and hatred hissed out of me. I found later that all that rage in me was directed back to  me, because nobody can hurt The Truth! Dignity, Humility, Unconditional Service, Love, all that is unlimited in Aloisia, we could learn so much from Her, we could be Happy, Pure, Noble in our deeds!!!
God Sees Everything, God Knows Everything, evil Can Not be done.            
 Everything stinks to those, who can  not follow this rule.
   After a long time of feeling and remorse I felt that my life in Paradise is not concluded, that A Reconciliation and A Request For Return Follow, but where to find the guts and overcome myself, not just for few days but For Ever!
    I Hope That This Has Happened, My Relation To Aloisia Is Now Pure. I Know Well That in the past the problem was only in me, never in Her but I condemned only Her, my injustice to Aloisia Broke me, I Sobered Up About Who Is Who.
    When I returned to the Garden Of Eden I almost collapsed recognizing that the Image of Heaven is not Comparable to what it was when the elite participants lived here! The Entire Estate Is Holy Humility Of Orderliness, No mistakes! Crops Are abundant, Healthy, Happy, Tool is in its  place, tidy as well as the Machines, Objects, Fields, Greenhouses , Pools of Wastewater Treatment Plant tidy, A Large Stock Of Dry Firewood stacked by use, Small Room With The Seeds With Pure Records, Granary, Basement Full Of Healthy Goodies, everywhere are Diaries with records, they serve for the Right Distribution of Goodies at Home and Outside for Gifts! I was  also invited in the Mill. All In white clean curtains, variety of delicious Carpets, white clean Gown for a Miller, and clean white Gloves Required for Milling. Already in the beginning of December they had Refined and Manually sorted all grains, there are many, all are nicely stored and ripe in Heavenly Places. When time comes Aloisia Washes the Grain, Dries it in the Sun and Wind than It travels in the Mill with Natural Stones. And A Visit Of The Kitchen where New Goodies are Born from Natural Ingredients. I forgot to mention in the Mill, there is also a Diary with careful records of Each Grinding! In the end of the year or at any time they are interested they have accurate information of the flow of Ingredients travelling through the Mill.
I found That All Residents Are Leaders, They Are All Responsible, Respectful, the most of all Humility Is Present, no more hiding in Paradise. I remembered the Wisdom Aloisia said to us: There is No work in our home, you tailor it for yourself to extort importance of your present residence and false safety. I had to admit, It Was True Too!!!
I remember the Wisdom Of Sri Sathya Sai Baba:
When You Become The Truth, You Get The Power Of Thousand Elephants and God`s Key of the Co-creator In Universe.


       Peacocks as guards, Peacocks as Family members, Peacocks as the Lords of the Estate

   Birds have always been a big Riddle to me, how lightly they fly, socialize with each other as they want, they are moving from place to place, from branch to branch etc. I often experienced their freedom in my dreams, but when I woke up and remembered  how I am tied to the ground I was angry with myself, why did I  wake up and became humaaaaaaaan again!
    After many years Of Searching for myself I found myself in me and  a new Home was already waiting for me. Beside everything also a lot of bird species Awaited me, among others The Family decided for Peacocks. It was not easy, we didn`t know much about Coexistence with Peacocks. In the beginning we we quite intrusive and we took too much care for them, we fed them with boiled eggs, yarrow as some advised us but it didn`t work, we didn`t give up, we only comprehended that Aloisia Was Right Because She Said that a Natural Process should be allowed to everybody.
   A group of people visited us, some biologists were among them and we were talking about our failure with peacocks. An older gentleman quickly encouraged us, you definitely exaggerated in care for Peacocks, live Them Alone, give them Freedom, enough food where they move /corn, wheat, water/. Only then we realized our ignorance, we Listened to the advice, Peacocks had married, with no problem young colonies arisen and now they are our Teachers for years. The number of Peacocks ranges between 20 and 25 , this it The Will Of God in our Family and we have a nice relationship with Them, we Learn a lot from them and they Guard us extremely well. There is an unwritten precise hierarchy among them which is strictly Respected by each of them. During the day they divide the territory of observations and events. They communicate with each other with sound, physically with Fan formation, physically also in the way of certain circles or dressage trails, up to 120 times and more along the same path, ceremonies are always carried out by males.
They guard the  females and they just Heavenly Courtship them especially in the time of marriage. Peacocks like to show their affection and attention to everything if they feel good and safe in the company. Many times we also receive Their beauty in the form of courtship in the immediate vicinity. Their colours are intertwined so Accordingly that you in fact can never get enough and when you look at Them you can really ask yourself what God can do. And of course The Power Of God does not reflects On Peacocks Only!
   When twilight comes, they come together, talk with each other, again they allocate precisely around all objects on the tops of the highest trees. In the corner of the balcony of the main object is always The Elder Of The Family who controls all events and actors. They all strictly fulfil the Unconditional Service regardless of weather conditions or late night hours, they always warn us at the right time.
   A macadam road runs across our property and thank God just a little traffic and some walkers who like to view the environment where we live and we often receive recognitions and encouragements. Peacocks always respond discretely and we now understand Their language and what are They Saying to us. Peacocks are also in full overview of cars in our parking place. They take a look to everything but if a black car comes they are ruthless to the car! Peacocks have warned us that black colour does not belong in This place in any form! If there is a black car in the parking place we guard it or we transport it in an enclosed place.
Peacocks Know Exactly What Belongs To This Space!           

   Early in the spring in the year 1996, we have started with the organisation of a temporary residence until we started with the new construction. After a Unified family decision we decided to somehow patched the old house in the upper part of the property for temporary residence, at the same time we took care of hygiene and healthy flow of life. We were all Wise men and we Arranged the house for a number of activities. A cottage was hold together by God, we felt pretty good in It, as it had the image of Pippi Longstocking and we also purchased a young mare , she was nice and gentle. We have quickly accepted the new conditions but if someone came to visit, he in most cases  just shook his head, we all had our own opinion. Time was passing by quickly, events decreased  rapidly,  it was difficult to register and analyse them and learn something about them.
     I would like to brighten  only some of the events. When we have arranged our temporary habitation, cleaned up trash and bushes around the House, the electric poles who travelled across the slope all the way to home started to disturb strongly. Aloisia has made a proposal that we would ask electro service if we could remove poles by ourselves, power lines would be placed in the ground and in this way you gain more pleasant view to the middle where a New Creativity has already been born.
 Two or three days later a car from electro service came in the yard. Two gentlemen came out and one kindly asked Aloisia, would you allow us to put away the electrical power poles, the entire installation would be placed in the ground.
Again we were astonished, we knew very well that Aloisia has made this proposal two or three days ago and God has already Sent us Help and realization. We immediately accepted it, the next day they started with cleaning of electric poles, they did it very well and they also donated us few rods, we still keep them, on dry land of course. Beside the rods they gave us a big wheel which served as a spool on which an electrical wire was coiled. We took care of wheel for few years, two years ago they have made two round tables out of one wheel, tables are wonderfully connecting through the season in outer harmony in
front of the main object.
        Cleaning and tidying followed according to the plan but we have not forgotten the culture, education, music, dancing, socializing etc. We managed to Realize all that in Home of Pippi Longstocking, if it didn`t go we  activated ourselves outside in the yard regardless of the height and density of the mud or under the hayrack if the weather was bad.  We polished these areas on, well hardened Cultural route in practice was behind us, we were obliged to continue with our mutual activities. One evening when we were all gathered  and music lessons were going on, Aloisia was sitting on the stove  and she Said: you are very interesting in performing a classical Music event, we also have a beautiful  dance program, you can have a performance in Philharmonic Hall! I have admit that we were all quite disrespectful to Her Guideline what we have showed  with unsuitable mocking, each of us had countless opportunities to convince that Her Guidelines Are Always Accurate while we still collided and refused the Truth,
but We All Wished That!
     As usual Aloisia`s Humility exceeded the threshold of our pride,  next day she called Philharmonic, she introduced  herself, woman`s voice on the other side said: we are very pleased with your call, we know your program, we Trust you, we only have to settle the date of performance. I was also interested in the outcome so I discretely listened to the conversation which Shocked me. Aloisia behaved as nothing has happened  and she gave us all the information without any indignation.
    This was followed by the intensive exercises, evening dress, invitations and everything that was a part of the program and already a day of the performance was in front of us.
  When we approached the Philharmonic, a lot of our friends were waiting for us, we were happy and also embarrassed, but all was going on smoothly.
   We had an interesting performance through which we have shown that years don`t play any specific role if there is a Will for Education, Cooperation and Creation! The hall and the balcony were fully occupied, Rich applause and also Tears Of Joy were present as through our Openness many could recognize their self-destructive brakes in themselves. A long lasting farewell followed, we simply couldn`t get Apart, It Was Unforgettable. Aloisia, I am still grateful To You!


The Power Of The Invisible World Does Not Need Words

When we started to Recognize  life in Nature it sometimes seemed as everything would be upside down but Nature Is Always Right whether the man Respects It or not!       Seemingly our start was quite sad as the estate was desolate for several years without a real landowner, in the meantime the bushes showed its superiority, intense mix of clematis, old buildings  lost on the power of Dignity and they have already mainly demolished into insignificant image of forgotten....! The image itself was Disappointing but in me an Unusual Power Revived With Clearly Defined Goals To Where We Must Arrive, In What Time! I Constantly Carried a God`s Plan within me, It was not clear to anyone  how Will I Carry It Out.
In Myself I Felt Firm Trust To God  Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
When God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Invited us to visit the estate  of  that time, in the end of September  1995,  our respond to the agency which offered us this opportunity was a little reluctant  because we were searching for appropriate land already 5 full years and a little more.
We settled  the  date for a visit  and we have set out on our way, arrived in the office of the agency, met a business woman who immediately showed us plenty of different offers. A palette of well-adhered information revolved in our hands but none of them has ever attracted us.
While browsing, a Strange page Appeared with no information, only in the left upper corner was a number, it was not clear what is it for. Only the page which contained only the price Acquired our attention but the price was not small! We wanted to see a blank sheet of paper  on the ground!
 It was hard for us to get to  the location which wore only the price and we noticed that it was really not much to put in  advertising weight. Demolished buildings awaited us on the location, a beautiful  dense growth and  intertwining of different marvels  overlapped  black contents  of active polluters  of current civilization. It was
evident  that this field has long enjoyed the reputation of a gold-mine for  waste, the name of the place was: planinca of fears or planinca of horror,  such information have been provided by some walkers saying that we were Stalwarts when we started to Renovate Life in this area and It Really Has Become Planinca Of Paradise!
In reference to the appearance of the image then we expected that the price would be adequate to disrepair but Mrs. agent quickly stabilized us and added: around these parts the soil is not contaminated with chemistry, there are no factories, you will take care for the garbage because you have  a number of guys and the local authority will probably listen to you with pleasure.
We have soon felt the bumps of the then municipal cream, the  contempt for us was intensively carried out by the chief of that time, at home and in the benches of important state persons, a large municipal little man with a gray beard who has entirely forgotten his powerlessness and The Law Of Karma!
Beside garbage there was no suitable road, the access has been overgrown, a bumpy cart track, single phase electricity, the Water Little Source on the lower secluded part of the property, forest was ravaged totally. However, there was a feeling of Joy present in me all the time! I Asked God Sri Sathya Sai Baba For Help and in a second all dark clouds Were Removed from the sky, An Orange Sun Glowed Strongly In the Sky, It Was A  Clear message, This Is It, Buy It!
It was hard for me to accept God` Order, at the same time I was Aware that God Is Infallible, He Knows the Karmic debts of all who are connected to This Space and I had no right to change anything! The end of negotiations in me,
I Accepted God`s Guideline!
The visit was over, we went down in the valley on the other side of the hill in Silence, suddenly it Came out of me, what is your last price, Mrs.answered in an instant, the price is written in the catalogue, we were selling both estates for 15 years, they are probably meant for you, They Have Been Waiting for You! I also launched the quick answer, I buy! But I was aware that up to the total purchase amount another 10.000 DM are missing. Then the sale or purchase usually ran in DM.
Mrs. Agent has already planned a business ahead and she said, I hope that the sale will run smoothly from now on, until now the heirs entangled all the sales, there are only 16 heirs! I silently hoped for complications but nothing of this, on the contrary, all went with a swing. The Joyous feeling in me was Impressive, the other two family members were showing similar symptoms, but I knew, when we get home, an information about what we`ve  bought must be given but I bought many years` garbage dump and I paid  a lot!!! There was really a lot of questions at home, a lot of laughter. The answer to every question was positive, because the Dynamics of the ground is stirred up in all directions, but no one asked for the content of the estate. I was quiet just like after the funeral repast but a Joy was boiling in me, after a few moments I said: I bought 18 hectares of Land which to our arrival served  to outrageous human irresponsibility to Mother Nature. Thank God, no one believed me, but It Was All True!
I am a man of Joy by Nature but then it Started for Real. God Sri Sathya Sai Baba was Revealing me the Guidelines of The Future, they were very beautiful but He didn`t Spare with heavy Guidelines and that way He Made It Clear to me: you decide! Considering the fact that  I knew The Dowry of Trust due to which I came to Earth since I was little , I Knew how to Accept Responsibility and I already Decided with Dignity in myself: I accept Everything, You Trusted Me God Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I Deliver life and all my savings of many years To Your Space And Purpose!
       I am responsible workaholic By Nature and Independent in Life since I Was 14 And Half Years Old!!!
Three days after an agent called, she told that  things were running smoothly, all heirs have agreed, it was already hanging on the bulletin board. Well, It started! I was pondering in myself  what to do with the missing money, at the same time I was well Aware that This Is The Will Of God  and I have no right to be afraid, I said to myself, Everything Will Be All Right. In the end of the third week of he public notice in the commune, an agent informed us all pleased and happy: you will not believe, everything runs different with you, all takes place automatically, she added: On 23.11.1995 at 11am  we meet in the municipality building, we make a transfer of property, you pay the purchase price and goodbye! My answer was, o great, it`s a deal, see you.
I felt uncomfortable, there was still not enough money and  I decided in myself that  I will ask for the  delay of the missing amount. A day before the 23th I asked the cashier to count the money  precisely and It Happened! As usual there was an envelope in the money box, with the known sum of money in it, beside the mentioned envelope there was another airmail with my address and there was 10.000 DM in the envelope. We all became speechless, the majority have met with God´s Materialisation for the first time.  On 23.11.1995 we became owners of the God`s Estate and at the Same Time The Students of God`s Faculty, which reflected in individuals in  different ways! I know that each well remembered the Birthday of God Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
God Sathya Trusts us, He Took us to The Location of Karmic debts. He Gave us a Chance to Solve our mutual debts and Merger with The Truth!

      About  30 years ago I was invited to a party where I was acquainted  with  the organizer only, even him  I did not know very well. It was written down in an invitation to attend the party for sure, I didn`t have time and the location was also not interesting  to me.  But I said to myself, if this is The Will of God, everything will be o.k. The time of the event was approaching and a day before the party it was clear that I could  take part. The journey was tiring, I was asking myself what is there so Essential that my presence is needed? When I arrived to a mentioned place, the attendance was numerous, pleasant company,
 but I still didn`t understand what I was doing there. The party lasted a few hours, everything was approaching to the end and the last part of the party began, this was the  awarding of gifts.
        Mister who organized the party took care of every participant with a gift. Gifts seemed useful but when it was my turn, the assistant brought a large cardboard box with my full address on it. I can still see how I flushed, the first moment I did not know whether to accept the gift or not? A friend noticed my embarrassment, he approached and said: I`m sorry, I don`t understand your gift either but there, where it was waiting for me, I wrote your address on without thinking, unaware. Accept it, time will Show!
And Truly, Time Has Shown The Purpose and Strict Respect Of God`s Guidelines!
We were finalizing the first part of the new building, we built without technical papers, because the top of the local authorities hindered us and  set us barriers on every step, despite the fact that we didn`t break anything. All applications were appealed on time. The Ministry has supported us, nothing helped, we were  undesirable.
The Will Of God Had his own plans, It gave me a Hint that we started with the new building somewhere in the end of march 2000 and by the day of St. Nicholas we have  moved in new rooms as Pipi Longstocking has cancelled all services, an old house had fell to ruins  above  our heads!
So we travelled without technical orientation, we were all ignorant, but nevertheless God Sathya gave me Precise Guidelines, I Shaped them on paper, a technical member of the family took a  professional way with plans, because at that time we were Harmonized, we followed Guidelines and Everything  Was All Right!
The boat travelled nicely, when we have finished and equipped the first part of God`s Little Home we found ourselves in front of the main entrance, all was o.k. only Suitable curtains were missing. God Himself Reminded Me: I have already sent them to you several years ago. I Trust You, I Know That You Accept, Guide Matters  In The Right Way, Hang Them On! I was Shocked, we brought them from the attic, they were still packaged. I carefully  opened the box, in the box a Gentle Colour of Old Gold Gleamed, Rich, Heavy Lined Curtains, Suitable Size to cm and with the exact number of wooden circles already sewn on the Curtains for the curtain rod  which was attached on the wall from before. We just hung them, All Matched, They Still Adorn the Main Entrance And So It Will Be In The Future. They are Discrete But Also Talkative since almost no one leaves the Room without a notice, how Heavenly Curtains you have!
Mister friend has physically already  left the  Earth, he Respectfully Discharged his Task  Bound To This Space  and me. In this way our Karmic Obligations Solved and we are free, even if they are Seemingly Only Curtains from some Berlin Theatre !!!


Tolerance of Wisdom

The flow of life was going on quickly, contact with Earth has reflected different from individual to individual, our main goal was to become Independent as soon as possible at least in the field of Nutrition, what we Realized quickly. We created the food area quickly, at the same time we found out that we are large consumers of Water, but there was only a small Spring on our Estate.
  We asked the neighbours how do they supply with Water, the answer was: we have water distribution system high in the woods on your right side, the main water pipe is passing quite close to you, almost near your home mostly on your Estate. We quietly Hoped for an easy solution, supply, we pay and end of story.
We quickly agreed to a meeting with the villagers. Attendance was minimal, very quickly it was all clear!
Both neighbours had apparently strong dominance over newcomers, an astronomical terms, saying that we do not buy from them pigs, calves, chickens, alcohol either, regardless of the fact that killing and bloody way of eating are not interested to us!
We have thanked the participants and made it clear that there is no bargaining with us, to us the matter is clear.
   We continued with cleaning the Nature of waste, shrubs, we were regulating paths,
gardens, fields etc. The Water has not yet been solved, but in my conversation with God In Prayer I Turned to Sri Sathya Sai Baba For Help And I Felt  that everything will Solve when the time is  Ripe and Karmic conditions bound to obtain water will be settled. That`s Exactly What Happened!
   The ground was intensely overgrown, only with the machete in hands we managed to break into some deeper terrain. Each in the family tried on his own way to find a solution for Water, but we were unsuccessful quite some time and we were exploring  further. When we started with cleaning the upper side under the hill we noticed the presence of Water in several places where previously there wasn`t any. Our approach was Respectful, we didn`t rush and grab. We still monitored the outcome, the water intensity slightly increased and we Felt that God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Gave us A new Source! We made an execution plan, a plan for Water supply. We were very Happy, enthusiastic, all took place According to the program! Very carefully we opened a deep trench about 45m long, we gently removed and cleaned the Earth, put the bright coloured  thick drainage pipe in the trench, we added some stones and closed the ditch, we asked for Sathya`s blessing
and a Pipeline Is still Working Faultlessly!
Learning was going on, few years after came the Lesson called Drought! No Learning has Mercy for disciples, The Job Is Especially Responsibly carried out by The Law Of Karma, It Never Forgets Nothing, Nobody!
The path of our development was going on satisfying, some enthusiasts remembered and set up a small windmill sail quite close to the pipes of the neighbour’s water supply. Windmill sail worked perfect, the only fault was noise, we were given some power in the small accumulator all the same, the wind ensured that the windmill sail fell on its knees, we put it away and a big power station was over and we were richer for a new experience
and a lot of joy.
The place which already served to the pipeline, although to the neighbour’s one, now already served to the windmill  sail and the next  task was already waiting for the place. The mentioned place was interesting because of small plain on the slope!
The year of Drought really didn`t spare us but we had God`s Discount, with us The Water did Not Run Out, it was dry for the majority of neighbours  who are connected to the water system which still runs past us. Neighbours  were anxious but some of them had the guts and asked us for Water! We quickly filled containers, they drove where was necessary. In this way the neighbours  began to understand Goodness which does not offer itself, It Listens At The Right Time, In The Right Way!
Water continued to teach some neighbours  as the consumption of water was of different quantities, for different purposes but no one consumed too much water to his notion, but only neighbours  suffered the lack of water. They were watching their source, the water tank, everything was like o.k. but nothing was o.k. On their return some of them many times stopped at our place  for a little chat about what to do? I had A Clear Guideline. The old water tank was not able to function any more and I proposed: set up new, larger one, and so they decided, they collected the money for realization, it was already going on but this time we were invited in the game too, financially and physically. When the work was almost over, the government has been consulted and a guideline emerged that  everyone must buy a Water meter. We immediately fulfilled the proposal, we bought a counter of Water consumption, we enabled it for the function of Water, we called the liable person to review whether we fulfilled all conditions. We rarely use the collective Water because we have our own water tank. We put the distribution board and a water meter exactly in the place where power station was standing and now it Serves to the purpose of Truth.
A few years ago a neighbour visited us again, they were almost without water and a cold war already went on because of excessive summer watering etc.
I felt that a visit was not of pure nature when a neighbour asked me how does our counter function, the answer was o.k., we don`t control it, we know that everything is all right. In an instant Cosmos interposed me a question, how does a counter work in your place and elsewhere. He flushed and became sullen, after a few moments he said: only you and a neighbour at the end of the hill have fulfilled the deal, no one else!!! My answer was: when you will all fulfil the agreement we will check the water meters together, but I think that I will not live to see this in physical appearance in this Life, or……?
I would like to warn about the powerlessness of lie which operates in performer. At first maybe seemingly successful but sooner or later the dominoes begin to collapse, it is followed only by the cognition what an inhuman bane am I, in disgrace to myself and to the surroundings! Only Firm Sobering And Decision can Help and Cure: I am no longer a liar, I Am A Man Of The Truth!!!

It is not easy when you show up in the new middle, especially if you are a buyer then the persons around you are aware that everyone should adjust but a willingness usually runs out. A newcomer must respect already established customs and practice, especially if they are Reasonable, while also a tolerance of existent way comes to light, to listen to the newcomer and to freshness that he brings into space especially if the newcomer has A Noble Program in favour of all!
In our place everything was going on funny, provocations were numerous, of long duration, the ways that provocations were carried out were primitive, it has been a lot easier for us because they were easily identifiable, we didn`t have to invest much in research…! The biggest blow from our side was: we never Reacted in the negative way , roughly. We always managed to Come to meet someone with Humility, Understanding, Alibi!
An ancient Wisdom is Really A Wisdom: If someone slap you on one cheek, offer with Love the other one as well in Silence. Victory Is Evident!
We went on the nerves of many from near and far but actually no one knew what to say when we asked what bothered them. There were also a lo of Those who knew Exactly Who we are, What Is Our Mission and They Supported us On Every Step. The majority of them were foreigners, all the way to Japan. They were all Encouraging us and they were a great stimulation to us, we are still in contact with many of them.
 From envious people we have acquired various nicknames, for example: ethylic, drug addicts, sectarians, serfs, spiritual perverts and we could find some more but it is enough for orientation. Shoulder to shoulder of the then municipal crème paraded ecclesiastical authority, inspections of various structures, health service, educational system, the press army, for which it is difficult for me to express properly, almost ran off. The holds were outrageous, we stayed Calm, we didn`t care about provocations. Due to Non-reaction from my side the largest fire was directed right at me, saying what does that frogwoman think she is etc. Also for my family it was difficult to understand why I allow all this and why I don`t react but just my Non-reaction Was Action, The Power Of Invisible World! The family soon realized my way of Protecting a whole since the success of everybody depends Only on the Truth of the participants which someone knows or nobody knows it, The Law Of Karma has an insight into the Entire Universe!
People were observing us in various ways, such were also their responses of common grinding. From the observation they soon discovered that we are hardworking, that there is laughter so much present, that activity takes place throughout the day, but the worst of all was that we didn’t eat every second day and activity was not in decline, we were even faster, of course, because we didn`t burden organisms not even with the processing of Plant Food. I hope that now everybody knows that we need only very very little food for survival, the surplus is carried by an individual or distasteful stocks accumulates on the body, hospitals are filled and business prospers!
Most of people have made illogical ignorant conclusions and they were generals without a battle, but we carried on our Lifestyle with Peace, Dignity, but many times after resolved situation someone cried, what Procedural Teaching are we Sharing, what Is The Power Of Family If It Is Harmonized!
Some neighbouring people were reporting us to different inspections, inspections are obliged to comply with the orders but I have a feeling that inspectors are quite clever, they quickly realized the game of envy, hatred to newcomers and we didn`t lose much time to this purpose.
From the beginning we have fine relations with the police because we needed them quite some times in the past. We inform the police only when something can not go on without them, the cooperation between us is on the level.
We have nice relations also with the health sector, educational system, already for some time with Municipality and also the church is today less hostile to us as it was those days! We wanted to establish real relationship according to 10 commandments of God, we went to Mass, we activated the participation on church singing and music with people with experiences, we arranged and equipped the church with silk napkins as well as the parsonage as it took quite a few days to set a matter as an Example! We had very nice relations with the Priest of that time. We lamented to each other, we encouraged each other. It was not easy for him, he was a Wise Man, we got  a kick from ecclesiastical  magnate, the priest had to leave the place very quickly and he had to move to a new location. Seemingly this was a great shame for all of us, moreover, the church branded us with a nickname sect and wrote quite a big book about us! But we didn’t cause anything bad to anybody, we wanted to establish nice relationship, respect already well-established traditions, respect for both sides!
Singing and Music in Sacred building Give Blessed Feeling. There were  much more inhuman approaches to us by the church but I would not mention them any more!
We have entered into Evolutionary Step of disfavour and the Inventory of acts is waiting for everybody. God Himself Knows The Truth, everybody judge and condemn himself!!!
We have quite a few contacts with priests of different ranks, places, even abroad. Those who know us well, know that now there really is A Home Of Heavenly Life. Heaven Is On Earth!

We spent most of the time for removing the garbage which had an unusual content. Beside the old cars, different machines for kitchen and farm, a high weight had the medicines, all packed with a very old date, the most psychiatric, next there was a wonderful textile, Stuff, all baled deep in the ground, folded up one over the other, beautiful colours. Seemingly it was still nice but when I touched it all stayed in my hand, everything was rotten but it still showed us its Dignity. The following interesting discovery was beautiful  men`s footwear high ankle in Box leather, the beautiful English models, beautiful colours, mostly burgundy, this was also the most represented colour in textile. The shoes were still packed in nice boxes, we didn`t find any black colour anywhere. The shoes were seemingly beautiful but when you touched them a part of the leather stuck to the finger .We were looking for a suitable location and for the assistance from the municipality but we have not been heard since we were the one who bought the trash!!!
We didn`t know what else to do than to take care for this by ourselves, we have made deep holes, one of the family members got an idea, made a roller from an old 120 litter boiler filled with stones and concrete, in this way we reduced the volume of waste. We were cleaning intensively quite a few years, the fire was also constantly Burning many months together in one place, where we burned dried wooden boards, beams of demolished old buildings.
We managed to thoroughly clean the contaminated nature, we set Horses in motion also in other areas but we were dissatisfied because we allowed to leave one part unclean with an excuse that for us the access is hard and too dangerous. For some villagers above the gold dell that was a wonderful niche to push the waste over the threshold into a gold mine, an upright posture and a smile have also met with a funeral.
It really is hard to reach the location and we were confident in ourselves that we will certainly tackle with the old sin as soon as possible.
 But The Miracle Of All Miracles Has Happened.
   In 2008 in Estonia, a Noble Project  called Teeme Ara Revived. With its Essence it knocked on the conscious of many people, including us.
  On 17.4.2010 A Project Let`s Clean Slovenia In One Day revived in organization of Society Of Ecologists Without Borders!
A few days before that our Ambassador met a president of mentioned association in the capital city. In discussion they also mentioned our unresolved issues, they involved us in the Program and it was already Happening!
A Day Came To Life, seemingly only a day, a lot of People Of Good Will gathered, even garbage trucks, large tractor with a tow device, everything that was needed was organized and has worked perfectly! Our family was also fully engaged but not as an organizer, just as a participant of Noble Campaign Anywhere That Would Be!
From the hardest part of the estate they took away a lot of trucks loaded with waste. Now the Spring already overgrowns there
and Entire Estate Glows.
At about 13.30 pm the Action of Human Cooperation was over, we took care for lunch and hot tea on the ground, we looked into the eyes and departed in Dignity and Happy.
We were indescribably Happy, we Felt Firmly how God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Came Towards us. God Always Helps us if we Let Him, we should never doubt His Guidelines if they seem impossible, unreasonable to us!
For the majority of mankind God`s ways are beyond comprehension!
Help Was Born to us in Estonia in 2008. We rounded  the main cleaning in the end of 2009 and on 17.04.2010 the God`s Campaign Initiated in Estonia Rounded in Slovenia, also at our place! From Mediated May Be A Lot To Learn, And Only God To Follow 



A Conversation With The Invisible World

How we need to be careful when we use our own language, we perceive only when we find out that the Holy Silence Is The Most Eloquent  Form of Communication!
Many times a jealousy to Aloisia broke out in me but I didn't want to admit it. For all around Her it is very easy to operate. If anything stops it is very Simple, Aloisia comes, she gives  Guidelines and the matters travel smoothly forward, especially if the Guidelines suit us, but if the case requires less comfortable path, we quickly let the rage on Her! Such forms were often present in the past, today only rarely, and even then it really Hurts!
When we travel God Sri Sathya Paves us the way, which steps are necessary to activate, when and in what way to create What is Already Foreseen in the Plan of God!
I learned a lot at the next event, which is already a few years old  and is in a lot of help and strength to me. In the middle of the estate is a beautiful little plane which  had thankless task before our cleaning and a consequence was adequate. The family was respectfully taking care for mentioned place, individuals started  to establish what is going to come up in the place, Aloisia  Smiled and Didn't Say anything. After a few days She Said Smiling: Here The Fountain Is Foreseen In The Image of Lingam!
None of us thought of something like This, and Exactly The Fountain Was Born Through  Family Hands On Guidance of God Sri Sathya Through Aloisia!
The base, the Foundation for the Fountain was clearly Felt by the most experienced member of the family in this area, but how will the decoration be was still hanging in the air. When the time is Ripe, after a few days of shaping cement draft, Aloisia Perceived exact Information where and how to get the decoration. We drove to the Fields around Krško area and on the left side of the road we noticed high self-fragile rocks in beautiful slightly reddish colour. We cleaned up the Field on which the stone fractured, the owner of the Field was very grateful, but also we with an Unusual Collection Such As Only God Can Offer! With Natural Quarry stones we drove to the  functional Fountain in Family Sai  Happiness and still today it serves  its purpose and it has an unusual charm in Kozjansko Countryside. In addition to Solemn Dress from thousands and thousands of Natural Linings, we Planted  Seeds of ornamental vine at the outer side of the Fountain. The interior  has a large jet of water surrounded by small bright stones, across the width of the bottom larger stones of the Message formats lie and a wide variety of insects, wonderful frogs, that use bigger stones for Wedding ceremonies!
We  filled the fountain with about 1OO hl of water and without any additives, chemistry, It is Respectfully working  several months. When we received  the Guideline for the Fountain, we've already made some wonder how it will look because about 2 m between the fountain and the street stood a big Old plum, which fully covered  a direct view to  the Fountain, which wasn`t there yet.  Aloisia Smiled again and Said: everything will be all right when we will accept That Step! In a few days we Felt that we should start with the Fountain the next day. Our decision was adopted by Old Plum which  Supported us with its Physical Departure. In the same night, the plum Itself Respectfully moved away and offered  so far existing place for New Task, to the coming Fountain. The next day we found a plum Quietly rest on the ground among other trees. Above 80cm above the ground it was busted off, the thickness about 40cm. No one has detected any sound during the night. When The Time for plum tree has expired, The Whole Process Was Travelling In Peace and Dignity, and the place  was Fully prepared for the new God's Purpose!
Throughout the Denouement is to Figure out that we were Included in the Mentioned Process still Willing, because we travelled at the Right time in the Right place in the Right way, with the Right content, and the performers were still Connected in Unison and Humility!
The Steps Associated With The Truth Are Playful, Creative, Everything Goes On  According To Certain Guidelines. Those who dare to change the path of the Truth despite the knowledge is really  braaaaaaaave!!!

The attitude reveals         who am I?
     I've never been a supporter of distorted attitudes, even if I was myself quite a rhomboid nature. Soon it became clear to me that we should not separate the attitude to a relative, acquaintance, important man, my neighbour, machinery, tools, Soil, Water, plants, food, air, sun, wind, weather situations, etc.. In me a decision Was made: I will not  look at the outside and wait for the others. Inside of me I  started to cherish a Respectful attitude toward all, but especially I felt a Hunger For Humility and Respect To Everything when I physically met Aloisia.
        I wouldn't know how to put into words what  moved in me, The Essence Of Life, which was until then pushed away, started to Wake Up and also the Need for The Holy Standards. Old habits were inherently melting away, as is still happening today, because  The Law Of Karma Is Precise, It Does Not allow untidy nooks. Today  Life Flows in Unconditionality, We're Happy no matter who  is still the subject of Grace, that something goes wrong , breaks off . All is happening with the Purpose,  everything is Learning if we are ready to realize our own reality!
          Relatives usually have a huge influence on the Necessary processes, but when we clean the attic, the Attitude shows the Reality! Our relationships are such as we build them, I maintain that it is easier to travel with as few obsolete habits and practices. A Sacred Rule Of Space should apply for all. Those who feel that the mind creates different impulses, appetites, as Available in Space shall stop with the exploitation of the Contents Of The Space as soon as possible and he shall leave the Space as soon as possible and move away with dignity where is the will of him. No one has the right to change the Existing flow of life, especially if it's already Checked and Substantiated, That The  Federwagen Is On The Right Path!
     That's what happened to me, I could not endure  anywhere for a long time, I did run away, everything  bothered me, it was all for nothing, all others were to blame. But today my Life Has A Deep Meaning, I Realize That I Am Part Of The Universe!
When I was deciding what to do in my  life, a lot of  different spheres of activity interested me, but mostly all variants collapsed one after another. The Only Way That Was  Close to me  Was Life In The Nature! Only in the current environment I began to Understand how the old rhomboid  processes Helped that I became what I am today. I am Null  but
   Essential At The Same Time!
  Life before the Current Space gave me  futile sense of freedom, now I know how Freedom Of The Truth looks like! I have the door wide open, I am not  bound to anybody, I have no kinship ties I don't have anything substantive that would bound me to this Place. But Inside Of Me I am  Wearing A Knowledge that I am Responsible for my Karmic Obligations which are linked to all the Creatures in this Place, at this Time, Fulfilled Through The Process  Which Lives Here!
When I am getting to know myself, I find great changes in thoughts, words and deeds. Once I was sarcastic, edgy, sometimes  smiling, but that was only rarely. Now it's all gone, now I Smile, I`m Joyous, all is the game of Carefree Responsibility for me. I don`t omit  any more Opportunities, what  I May Yet  Carry Out in this life!
I also realized that the enemy does not exist outside of me, only my own mind can portray the enemy in any creature and I activate the war with him, I fight, fight, until I realize that this is all just from me in me, against me! Now I Know that the enemy outside of me does not exist, the enemy disappears that moment when you Become the Truth! Thoughts, Words and Deeds with which You Don`t Hurt Anybody Anymore Reveal The Truth!
When I was very Small I deeply felt the travelling of Pure and distorted attitudes and I caught an infection with all of them, I also started to use them. I quickly noticed, distorted attitude brought me a bitter chocolate, Pure Attitude A Calm Sleep! I really loved to repair an old dumped cars, as well as other machines, small engines. I felt great friendship in them, companionship, we had a good time, nobody hurt anybody, we have been in comfort to each other.
        I will never forget the old Tired Dyane, she was in such a condition that was not even for spare parts. Whenever I went past her, I felt Her call, and also  otherwise I was accompanied by Her shadow. I felt that she doesn't want to say goodbye yet, that she would still like to Serve the purpose. I decided to accept Her Learning, we started to work together, we became partners, Our Communication was very mysterious but she Guided me like her child. When I was doing the right steps An Astral Music Sounded in the car, when my steps were wrong, selfish, cruel, different sounds appeared  in the car like sirens, gruff bangs, strange squeal etc. Different gangs liked to gather at my place and eventually the others noticed that we were not alone, that we are all alive, we were all talking and laughing. We baptized Her and we`ve given Her the name Canary as she was gently yellow.
We agreed with Canary to replace auto parts piece by piece until we were  both happy and mobile. Slowly Canary  started to  physically revive and we went on a trip together, like  the Teletubbies .We were both proud of it, She  was my Holy Teacher, let it be understood anyway. I Know That Everything Is  Alive, we all talk and Communicate in different ways. However, if an individual  refuses this Grace, let it be, it will Mature!
The same thing is happening with the tool, if we're respectful, humble it Serves us  for a long time,  assists  in our task, if it is not so, it  also shows us the pain and frustration! We showed the right attitude when we enter in spaces, we rarely remember to greet Respectfully. It's nice if we ask what is the feeling, it`s nice to say that we love them, etc., like we do when we're leaving the room, we thank for the  cooperation, we want them to have a nice rest. Of course we can have such an attitude if we have taken care of everything that was our duty. Through the Noble attitude we recognize Joy in ourselves, Humility, if we can't do this, let's recognize then the arrogance, self-evidence and start to guide ignoble actions into Nobility.
When I was Set Right, my life made Sense. It is still happening today, a rhomboid life is almost  no more detectable in me, if it still wants to enforce, I quickly recognize it and Consciously Guide it into Nobility. I am aware that I have a lot of clutter in myself but today there is an Interest in me to save myself and to clean the old garbage and the Process Runs Painless, It  Flows With Love. I have often wondered where could I go to live the life that I only Rarely Felt .But A Horizon Opened And It Revealed To me That This Place Existed, that my Education was conducted for this purpose!
The Time Is Ripe! I called, I got a contact with the Space Where It Is Nice for me, I Am Happy, I Am Here Where Life Is Carried Out In Peace, In Non-violent Relation To All !
If we follow the Nature It Clearly Shows us The Dignity of Existence, Ongoing Donations Without Any Expectations! Man is focused mainly in talking, extortion and searching for commodity! Regardless of the weather conditions and burden, the Plants are reluctant to change the place which they have in their Record. Majority of mankind ignore this Wisdom, even more, a man wants to laboratory remake  the Fundamental Essence of Plant and shape a freak of the human mind from The Essence of God! For a long time a man imagines what he has figured out unaware that all those inventions are allowed by God only with purpose that man meets himself in unexpected moment and heed to whom and to what he serves!
All beings have a Soul, A Soul is a part of God, It Accepts, Registers all adventures in the flow of life, wherever we are, with anyone at any time. With all of the unhealthy food that we consume we at the same time also eat up the whole dirt, pain, which Plants, food, accumulate on the way to the mouth. What we consume such are the consequences, no one can resist this!
It is right that the Awareness is sown in the Direction of Self-sufficiency, Healthy Soil, Healthy Pure Seeds and Noble Hands! The excuse that this is no longer possible today is just a rotten excuse and hide behind the irresponsible commodity and supporting of intentional destructive systems!
So it happens in the animal world, everywhere a man takes a false right to conquest and to demonstrate  strength, not realizing his own littleness.
But when a man crosses the border of atrocity, you step in front of The Law Of Karma of Inexorability, regardless of the shouting and gnashing of teeth!
What does a man with his conquest of false greatness dare is also evident in weather conditions which already every blind man can read.
Flattery of the black scenario is planned but will nevertheless scattered in the least expected moment!!!


Life Steps in accordance with God`s Guidelines
or living the steps of mental dictatorship!

     We often deal with a question who leads us? The answers are simple: I don`t know, because I am doing well, I have nothing but troubles or all goes smoothly etc. But actually only few of us are Aware how important is our Conscious decision for the path. Every one decides about himself no matter that all is already Determined with our arrival. God Entrusted and Handed us only a decision, since this way every one reveals to himself  who he is and what are his appetites. But after the anguish and suffering everyone Realizes one way or another that the path is wrong and we self-pleadingly turn
To God For Help!
When we arrived into the Nest of present and Future time  it was interesting and difficult for all participants, in fact unreasonable, how hard is the path ahead, do we really need that walking on thorns and trash. The majority felt that they didn`t need that, at the same time there was a Need present in participants that they had to win,  Reveal What The Hands Of The Truth Can Do.
The sad thing is to monitor the people who constantly grasp for Happiness but they do everything to ignore Happiness and  ascribe to others the reason for their own disaster!
We brought a lot of Innovations into God`s Home, Joy, Culture of Heart, Non-violence, Tolerance, Education etc. New inhabited place Accepted us Hungry, It Needed Noble Contents. We Harmonized  quickly, we Grew Together, we Learned The Wisdom Of Mother Nature!
It was our duty to Join with the new middle as Softly as we could and start to Live The Life According To The Will Of God.
It was not easy to Coordinate disharmony to Harmony, since the Only way to Solve this is,  if you Can Take  the entire discordance on you and Solve it on yourself.  In this way the surroundings relieves quickly, it purifies, lessons travel on rapidly so that does not become bored. However it starts to bore that one who pathologically misses the unrest, chaos. He sooner or later finds that he no longer belongs In Peace. This Is A Responsible Process And Is Entrusted Only To Few!
It Is A Great Responsibility how and when to accept customs that are already established and make sense of them. In the spring of 1996 when we started to Take Care  for a new middle, we first Put in order  an old, Infirm house for the temporary short time residence. At the same time we already had a plan for other activities but we had to Stop, it started to rain, rain hard!  For some days we managed to subdue the zeal in ourselves but then we  became restless. We found it difficult to accept the Reaction of Nature because it was Waiting for our arrival but now It Tied our hands. Each was pondering and investigating the reason of the Weeping Nature, but nothing, it was Raining on
as well as our distress.
   I believe that every Creature finds way to Communicate with The Creator, it is the same with us, with me. When I was very small I already Felt that There Is An Invisible Power Of Wisdom if you Allow this to yourself. At the same time I noticed how some refused these options or attached them to dark forces which were attracted by ignoble man himself!
Very Early on I developed a Conversation  With God and it is Still Going On in Friendship without my orders. Our conversation is not running with the same repeated words but in  Humble Requests if I previously notice the Light that it is already time for the Request. When the subject is fully Mature the Terms are Fulfilled, only then we May Ask and the Blessing Revives! This Is The God` Process That Does
Not Know Obstacles!
    We went to bed and it was raining and raining outside, I Was Talking With God Sri Sathya Sai Baba when a look suddenly Guided Me Under The Ceiling Above The Stove Where I Noticed A Big Glowing Ball In Which The Entire Image Of The Chapel Of Mother Mary Has Been Given. The Chapel Still Stands And Serves The Purpose!
     Upon Learning  about the new middle we discovered many things, among other things we have found a Sacral Cross indecently broken and  thrown next to  the Old Perry Tree covered with dried twigs and leaves without The Image Of God.
          When I Received The Guideline For The Chapel,  Also An Image where we should place the Chapel was shown to me, if we are going to follow the Guideline. This Place Was On The Old Place Of Already Existing Old Wooden Cross which none of us knew, the Space was already forgotten and refused by the then inhabitants.
We immediately started with the construction, we followed God`s Instructions. The Chapel was quickly receiving its Image. A passerby observers and organized spies, there were many, observed us intensively, they saluted, praised how we are working and some of them  added, now you are setting up a barbecue and probably in the evening there will be something to buy to eat…..! But they all knew that we are Not killers, that we Respect The 10 Commandments Strictly, not on tongue But In Life!
Nobody asked what will grow, some were so wise and said, this will be a place for grill and we also Received other information especially by elder people: Right There Was Once A Cross With The Image Of Jesus, a long time ago.
    It is Evident From Learning That Everything Is Programmed From The Universe By The Will Of God and each changing Is pathetic, pointless and it only enriches Karmic debts!
     In Space Life Flows According To The God`s Key Which Can Not Be changed. It Is Only Possible To Merge If You Are Chosen!  When the Chapel was brought to a completion, the weather in all its forms also shown us Safety And Shelter In The Bosom Of Mother Nature. My Obedience does not relate only to the Chapel,  Obedience Is A Devotional  Service For The Benefit of all!
At our arrival we didn`t properly set the program, therefore Mother Nature Stopped Us, taught us that There is no place for mental mettle, But For Humility, Tolerance of relations, The Correct Schedule Of Steps And Actions. We woke up and Adjusted quickly. Immediately After The Acceptance Of Message Of The Image Of The Chapel Of  Mother Mary I have already sketched the Base on a paper. The family gratefully accepted the God`s Guideline, we were lucky for Novelty and we already set to work. When I started to draw the Chapel It Stopped Raining, The Sun Shone Again. The Obedience In Me had got Unconditional Position  Of Service. Everything Has A Purpose, Let us be Humble And Grateful For The Holiness Of Learning!
  Do not lose time for testing and verification of God, life is very Short,
Too Short.
When we have properly arranged the Chapel and the vicinity we also restored and organized very Old Pilgrimage route as it runs past our Home, past the Chapel, for a long, long time, but  we didn`t know that, we learned later.
   It was a wonderful atmosphere, a lot of  people, priest had a short Mass with the Blessing of the Chapel and Home. Everything was enriched with singing, music, nut croissants, tea, socializing. We stood Firmly on The Path Of Truth, so we have a little  later received a status of unwanted in the local sacral object.
It is not easy to accept new, old traditions, but it is possible. We have Invested a lot in common purpose of understanding and Symbiosis, many times we helped local people in urgent dilemmas. But hardness of heart and ignorance of man have toxic power, sometimes it is Wiser to move  in reverse,  Accept Seeming defeat but in a Long Term Freedom, Dignity!


A similar situation occurred with boundary stones, nobody knew anything precise, everything was happening like: it seems to me, maybe, I am not sure, everything travelled in looseness of uncertain, ambiguous. But when we mentioned geodesists the neighbours became all-knowing and they told us that all about boundary stones will be possible to settle.
On the outside we probably looked ignorant newcomers, nobody intensified the intellectual knowledge, Natural Cleverness, and many overrated in evaluating us because we nodded and seemingly agreed with everything. But unfortunately we were all literate and we were quite a good judge of documents. It was probably fun for both sides and we have all been in anticipation when it will roar. The deceased neighbour reminded me several times: you have a thick skin, they talk so bad about you, they write such ugly things about you in the newspaper, but I have never noticed anything bad about you.
I smiled at him, I looked him in the eyes and asked: If you have not seen anything wrong with us why it excites you then. Wait, maybe you will notice, feel something. No one can hurt us, we are at the University Of Truth, Wisdom is to Accept bumps, slaps and Offer Compassion!
Our flow of life went on with the Speed Of Light, we were Inventive, Skilful, we were doing Excellent in an unusual space, new conditions, everything was a challenge for us, but it`s true that we had a Clear Goal And Desire To Achieve The Goal In Holy Time, In The Right Way!
The surrounding area, the then municipal master and also some others constantly had us under magnifying glass but their effort to pick holes in something on our side was in vain. To some it became unbearable to fulfil the command on the lookout, they came to us, confessed their naivety, we laughed at the cripple scenario together and life went on. The attempts to make us nervous, to hinder us in our Creation, were manifested in a variety of shades as the buds of envy were already evolving into a feral flowers with a distasteful odour.
When we took care of the Nature we have been respectful to all and for heating we formed Bundles from branches, we used thin rods for different garden purposes, we dried the thicker rods, after a few years we made God`s parquet out of them which is The Most Beautiful parquet floor in the world, The parquet is composed of 7 different tree species, different dimensions, we also left the little knots in the wood in Natural Creation. Apparently we have made a big mistake, we didn`t take out a patent for the Parquet, even nowadays some have such opinion but to us the clerical chance for a stamp is meaningless!
In the third year Here, we suddenly heard the whining of the chainsaw in the beautiful corner of our Property. We couldn`t believe our own ears, but A Peace Crew went on field and found that a neighbour came to fell trees in our Forest, they warned the neighbour that he did not fell trees on his land but on ours. The neighbour was furious, he drove them out with a threat, if you do not withdraw, I will c . . your heads off, he added a few more verbal decorations!!!!!!
They withdrew quickly and Respectfully, we checked all the documents which were clearly saying that the neighbour afforded himself a disgustful
joke. The next day a delegation acted as broker visited us, they wanted to Crown their unsuccessful attempt with an invitation to their food and drink, but that didn`t pass through the Customs.
What concerns us all these Trees would still Live, they had plenty of space, wonderful conditions and they could smoothly Grow Old and Be in Support to the Universe because there is already a lack of natural Healthy Lungs! Now there are wounds, nudity and landslides have their own power due to greedy neighbour who does not know the pain caused by human! We get enough dry brushwood for Carefree heating over the year. At the right time Mother Nature takes care for all the needs of a Healthy Lifestyle.
We were aware that we had to Resolve the intentional conflict Wisely and warn that we can count 1 + 1. I Concluded the negotiations with Clear Goal: we will include geodesist, legal appraiser etc. Negotiators were worried, what have we done, what do we complicate, as if to say that the sawyer was wrong, to their notion that was nothing and could be settled in the neighbourhood.
It was quickly clear that they are not aware of an inhuman treatment of about a 200-year old Beech and other trees that have been the victims of inhuman man. Various negotiators came to negotiate with us but we didn`t indulge not at any price, we also refused to negotiate. We Delivered everything to the intellectual and Spiritual Process, we also Handed over the Bodies to the greedy person, there were no problems, but twigs and coarse wounds still show incorrect human moves.
The days of Justice were passing by, we needed some time to coordinate all the documents which Clearly Testified the Truth. When officially all was in black and white we convened a meeting which was Painful to us because Innocent Trees were no longer adorn the slope in Kozjansko region, this is still the same today. We renamed this Place to Britof (graveyard, archaic). It Is A Remarkable Place Of Peace And Tranquillity where we like to stay, also the others find this place Mild and Attractive despite the fact that they don`t know the Young history!
We also felt the neighbour`s plight, at that time they all realized that they had a distorted thinking about us and they got to know themselves. A Cipher of costs was big, costs included the wood which was taken away, legal appraiser, geodesists. The largest sum was in a Nice, Healthy Wood
as there was plenty of it!
Facing with the amount brought the tears, how will they pay this at all? And I said, No way! What you have caused to Mother Nature and to us, you cannot pay in any currency in the physical image, This Debt Is Going To Stay, let`s all be Grateful for the Experience and Wisdom that we have Received In This Process.
I asked that in this moment each set itself A Decision To Live In Peace And Respect as long as we are alive. It was Worth it, for now The Secret Promise still Holds, we have a Very Very Great Time, we are Happy, we gladly help each other and laugh.
We Never touch the history!!!
There were more similar testing on other fields and with a little Reaction from our side the thunder quickly Calmed down and The Sun Shone!

Noble Food Is The Basis Of Life For All Creatures On The Planet!
Noble Food Knows No Hunger, Knows Not Satiety!
Noble Food Is The Eternity To Which most of the mankind forgot!

A very little girl I could play with the little Physical Beings to which some were often disrespectful. It hurt me but I remained silent and I Learnt. I was close to Ladybirds, Little Snails, Spiders, Grasshoppers etc…I have never noticed any of my friends on the unclean surfaces, on stable manure etc. From the Given lessons I began to conclude: Stop, Their Wisdom Is Greater than man, I will Follow Them, I will Learn from Them.
I was observing similar things with Plants. It is true that some grew lushly, those to whom man added animal waste, various forced fertilizers. It looked nice on the outside, a laugh of satisfaction often confirmed that but I didn`t feel happiness, satisfaction in those Plants. I tackled a Feeling in me, I was researching for so long that I discovered the Essence of seemingly nice plants and abundant crops.
I noticed later that even children were brainwashed by elementary school about Alive and lifeless nature. Again a battle took place in me about who is right but I Followed the Inner Feelings which Told me that the majority of mankind estranged from the Truth Which Is Solely The Welfare Of Mother Nature!
The same thing happened at the high school, that strengthened the Feeling in me, I Stand Firmly On The Knowledge Of The Truth.
Few years ago God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Opened The Door Of Grace to me so I Could Join The Sai Family which lives and Achieves Symbiosis With All Beings. It`s been quite some time before I began to Realize that the time has come  when I didn`t  need to look how others treated the Plants, Animals, Earth, Water etc.
Regarding the relationship to others, I in my life adopted and begun to Accomplish a Right way which I`ve Felt since Childhood.
Sai Family Learnt and it still Learns how to Sensitively walk with Nature so that all Plants, Animals feel comfortable with us and we with Them, this way we may receive Healthy Gifts Of Wealthy Crops!
By Learning In Nature we Learned a lot, I will mention just few parts. One must be very careful about how much and how we interfere in Nature to keep a relationship without pain, because only in this case no fertilizer, no pushing  is needed. Love, Respect, Humility are the only fertilizers which Allow the Plants to be Happy, Healthy with us, this way
their Growth is Beneficent.
            Soon we noticed that Plants respond differently to the people who took care for them and spent time with them. They showed their joy or sadness with their growth into Abundant Crop or we could only dream about it.
Sai Learning Gives us the Opportunity of Frankness, Clean approach, Unconditional Love. Only In This Way we Are Provided With Everything We Need On The Path Of Truth!
The family has walked the path of Intensive cleaning in many areas, some of the members have Realized and faced with the Process, to some it was easier to succumb and to submit to a mental way of life.
Similar is happening with Plants and other Creatures. Aloisia had worn The Holy Project In Her for a long time and She Knew that we will Need various Seeds, to which the Path linked with money was spared. Mother Nature has long ago started to warn a man about the wrong steps he was making. But a man did not accept the Holy Guidance, even more aggressively he subjugated Creatures that are Wiser than man! The Awareness of man is somehow breaking into Recognizing that man is not the only being in Universe, that it is Necessary to Fully exclude: mine, yours, ours, yours, maybe, why, when, where. Everything Is Determined With The Arrival, The task of all beings is only One: Acceptance not selection! Now I know very well the Response of Plants which Eloquently Shows that there is no hatred in Them, no selection. They can take the wrong human commands but they Can also Show the Happiness Shared with Caring, Respectful, Humble Man! The World of Animals Is Behaving the same, This World  that has Managed to Escape the inhuman procedure and Stayed Primal! Plants, Animals, Soil, Water etc, no one needs, no one is  looking for any privileges, cosmetics, collection of clothes, stimulants, fertilisers, and much less the  affectionate words filled with sneaky  selfishness, egoism of planned slavery. I am Aware that Every Being Has A Right To Live His Life and No one has a right to change it!
Many times people ask us for Seed, Sapling, we never forget to ask if the Conditions are Appropriate? Pure Seeds Expect Clean Conditions from the Donor, the Trust is mutual, only in such a way you get a Healthy Crop. The journey of Plants which need to take unclean conditions is already defiled from the greedy person who compels the plants to give what the formula from laboratory dictates. The same is happening with animals, because with forced food  brutal human determines how many litters of milk must Good Cow give in 24 hours, when must she Gives birth etc.
Insemination takes place with plastic tubes and glove which is probably sterile! For a long time there is no more room for Love, Respect. Creatures Cry, Hesitate, the relationship with Animals and Plants worsens dreadfully, not to mention the Climate change, to which the godfather is human mind again!
In the Family we are all Vegans, we are all Healthy, visitors are also served with Food which  has Pure Origin, no one has ever refused It, on the contrary,  we receive Warm Responses but most of all Conscious  Responsibility:  Only The Food With Pure History, Prepared With Precious Hands Without Calculations Can Have Such Taste. We are Asked many times to give some food for the home or we Donate it by ourselves. Both ways are Accepted with Respect but we get used to Thinking that our Food has different taste at another location, on this phenomenon we now warn immediately upon departure, because everything is only the flow of Energies that may be Pleasant or unpleasant. This is also a Learning, where the Food Feels Healthy and where badly, it responds with a Taste, Good or Bad,
 ignorance Becomes Knowledge!
Through the expression of certain information of our Path I would like to point out that one Never travels alone, how we need to be Sensual to other Travelling Companions, Events that are going on in us, around us, Near, Far, and we are Bound to each other, Willingly or unwillingly!  We must never forget the Rain, Storms, Sun, Stars, Wind Pleasant, unpleasant with Roaring vibrations, Thunder, Release of Lightning, Large Processes that take place in the Soil, Water etc. When we Arrived To The Location Of God and Created A Home According To The God`s Guidelines, we noticed un unusual strong Wind upon arrival, with an extremely strong gusts, I actually Felt that it wanted  to blow us away. In myself I Asked for God`s Help, Peace and Tolerance. A few days later an Intensive Cleansing With The Wind calmed down, since then there was No More Rough Wind In This Area, The Wind Has A Pleasant Sound, Vibrations! Since we Aligned With The Nature Adequately, there are No more any storms that cause the damage. Everything depends on man, what we Give we receive back in much higher Dose! Let`s Offer Unconditionality, Be Happy, Love Each Other, Follow Nature`s Example, Its Content and Purpose!
Several years ago we became aware of how few people know Broad Bean, there were even less of those who gave  him a small place in the diet, despite the fact that in The Old days many families survived eating Broad Bean, in thanks many didn`t want it because that was a Food for poor people. Aloisia Knows what is necessary for the proper development of the organism, so here with us Broad Bean got the Cardinal position in the Diet already in the beginning of our path. With Broad Bean we fill all the missing stimulants, which should remain unfilled for Vegans. Many people think that we Vegans have boring menus, this is a big illusion, but it is true that it is okay if the Person who Prepares food is An Artist Of The Holy Flavour. The Food should be Eaten only when the body feels the need and just the minimum that the body needs for survival. There is not just Broad Bean present in our food culture, a myriad of other Plants are available for us. We eat many of Them in the Row state, cooked or stewed form.
Once again I would like to go back to Broad Bean, which is so Useful and Healthy that It can Entirely Replace the breast milk if this is necessary! Broad Bean Is A Wonderful Plant, It gives Shelter to Louses, consequently It Invites to meals many Ladybugs, in hot days provides shade to other Plants, It Offers us lot of Healy Fruits, Broad Bean is useful as dry beans, in the evening It can be soaked in the warm Water, in the morning we cook it as beans, it can be used in salad, stew, soup, spreads of various kinds, very tasty it goes to horseradish spread  at every time of the year, I will mention a form of  preservation  of soft green pods or young grain in a gentle Apple Cider Vinegar  Which we can later also afford at any time of the year. We can add garlic, onion, parsley. From dry grain we grind Flour which has a Devine Smell, we use Flour to boil Milk, we can add a Fruity sweetener, add some Barley Coffee, believe it or not, they Rush from all the Planets to Enjoy this Heavenly Drink, hot or cold. A hard comparison, what the Good Old Cow lived to see, What Experienced An Old Disgraced  Broad Bean! Yet I could Announce It but I Feel that there are enough words about Broad Bean, publicity is not Its virtue! In all these years we have Donated a lot of Broad Bean Seeds to various parts of the world.
Broad`s Bean Family Exploded And Concurs The World.
In the Family I am responsible for the area of nutrition and therefore it is my interest that all the necessary Elements for the Healthy Life are present, this is our Long-standing practice.
In winter time we love very much pasteurized canned stewed fruit, fruit, jams, juices, all without any preservatives, sugar-free, pasteurized only in its own juice, on the slow warming so that the Goodies may release their own Juice. Fruit must be of Pure Origin, Ripe, Healthy so that The Nature Can Offer Authentic Taste Which Has No expiration date.


The Hole Which Was Waiting For A Content
     When we roughly finished with the main part of the residential building, an opening remained, it was not good looking and it spoiled the surroundings with its image. I knew the God`s Purpose of the opening which really did not have a nice appearance. Prior to our arrival there in the opening once stood a building which lost its identity long ago. We cleaned up what we could, we were the most joyous about stones, we washed them by hand, moved them to another location, we already used a lot of stones, some are still waiting for further purpose.
     We have invested a lot of tempo, strength in the first part of the building and we were already a little tired. I Felt that we would need a short break, but at the same time we were all aware of the responsibility that it would be the best to undertake and realize the Entrusted task. We were pushing away the further step a little but on the other hand, pushing away was very annoying to us! I Asked God Sri Sathya Sai Baba For Help And Strength for our construction and the next day in the afternoon a Family friend who knew our Eagerness very well came to visit us with his friend. While walking around he Hugged me around the shoulders and asked me a question: When do you intend to start with the last part of the building, you can see that the opening is not in pride to you, it spoils everything, what are you waiting for, so far everything ran very fast? We will, we need a little rest, we are tired. He smiled widely and he remarked: you don`t 
 intend to proceed  with Handwork do you, I believe that you have learned something and you Deserve help. Outwardly I smiled, my heart Leapt with joy, I Felt Tears Of Joy in my eyes! A Friend`s Hand slightly Swayed on my shoulder, he said: Tomorrow morning you get a truck, a digger to do the physical work and then Full speed ahead. That`s exactly what Happened the next day, just like in a fairy tale. I asked him for a bill, he smiled at me and said: I know the Importance of The Project Very Well, This Is My Contribution and travel on Successfully!
      The project of Sri Sathya Sai Baba Involves Many Aware People From All Around The World, Their Need Is To Live A Life With The Truth!
     A few months later I got a call from the same Friend, he said: I have a large group of people who would like to see the Project and meet you. We have settled a date, a large group of people came, we had a nice time, we presented the content and the purpose of the project. We prepared a cultural program, we Treated them with smaller Vegan meal. Like in the past the cooperation  still goes on without finance, for the Gift we received 7 beautiful young trees of Service Tree that I`ve been dreaming about, looking for Him everywhere without success. These were my dreams from the period of Provincial primary school up to the 4 grade which has left me wonderful memories and through wonderful people God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Sent us A Precious Gift. Now They Already  Bear Fruits And Are Living Monuments! I am Forever Grateful To You Dear Friend! Why does A Service Tree has such a meaning? For the majority A Service Tree is unknown or forgotten Plant. When I was in primary school lower classes were held in Provincial school, higher in the urban area full of concrete, riding with the bus etc.
The feeling was much more authentic in Provincial school and also the path to the school and back home was more pleasant. When I walked through the villages I sometimes talked with Villagers who gave me a lot of Wisdom, in such a way I Ennobled the boredom of some school subjects which were forced to us just like it is still happening  today. The school is definitely an important form of life but I am certain that slovenian educational cream played truant all the hours of Noble, Human Guidelines and activated the content of the educational program which mostly chokes with uninteresting intellectual content, in such a way a revolt  of helpless children Nourishes - psychological war. There are almost no more employments, jobs are rare, teachers have jobs at the expense of  children of the hollow program with which you have nothing to do when you hold a document of education in your hands!
     It often happens that a person from educational system cries at our home since it is clear to the majority where everything has slid  but a phenomenon of dictatorship is  still present: be quiet, learn, this is going on at school, at home, but children have nowhere else to go than on computer, street, drugs, alcohol, stealing etc. This approach is definitely not Human and what can we expect from
 leaderships of modern period....!
       I would go back to the beginning of Life`s path. In September I had to take a long journey to school and back home, I helped myself in a way that I Researched the Content Of The Nature. The Nature is Rich, It Never disappoints, especially if we are Subtle To The Nature. I found different ways to make my walking to school sensible and one day in early November I noticed that a large number of birds flew to the tree which was away from my way. I decided to follow them regardless of the consequences if the Land owner would see me. I ran as fast as I could, in a second the next Flock flew, and the next, I became more and more curious and I finally ran to the edge of the forest where there was a Tree full of Fruits but I didn`t know Them, they were similar to dried Figs. There were full of them on the tree and on the ground, beautiful brown colour with a little lighter dots. I wanted to eat Them but I didn`t know the edibility, finally I Decided, if the Birds eat Them, the fruit is edible and so I tried one, another one. The Taste Was Devine, Also The Feeling Was Unusual and the Birds did Not Fly away due to my presence, We Were All One Family, In One Dining Room, Around One Table! I didn`t know the Tree. Its Natural Beauty is Gentle. We remained Inseparable. I chose other way to school and so we were together twice a day and not just because of the Fruits, we remained Allies! Among Wisdom offered to me by the school way, A Service Tree certainly gave me a lot of Support to overcome life steps. Later on I had to change the way because of higher classes and after about two years a Tree dried, the owner sawed it in pieces and used it for fuel but it was hard for me, the situation is still Alive for me.
      I proceeded with the Research about Service Tree, only a few elderly villagers knew It and even they didn`t want to talk about It saying that it is a tree with no value. I didn`t allow myself to step away until I got at least some information. I found out that a Tree was very Old, that villagers were little when the tree was already standing and a Tree was growing when their parents were little. According to oral tradition and the presumption a Tree should be about 180-200 years Old. They also said that a Tree is a Good Fruiter every year, it is possible to pick fruits all winter, in hard times of famine entire families Survived thanks to this tree! And why it is today very rare and not Respectful, they smiled a little, they shrugged and said something like there is plenty of other and 
better food available today.
         I think that Service Tree Paves His Way Back because It Deserves that. A True Service Tree – Sorbus Domestica came from Minor Asia, it is a wild growing rare tree species, beautifully blooms in the middle of may, the tree is similar to Rowan Tree, from its fruits they produce vine of marvellous taste and It Is the most expensive on the market, it has Astringent Taste. It has a Beneficent effect on intestine, it helps to good digestion, in Old Days it was an Appreciated Partner in cuisine. The wood has a beautiful tan colour, it is in use for making some musical instruments. Its External Image is gently egg-shaped, height can be up to 20 meters, Fruits fresh, dried have Wonderful Taste, juice, jam, compote, vine, it is beautifully Connecting with all other flavours. Service Tree Is  Forgotten Lord, who with Dignity paves the way into insane civilisation of hybrids and GMO! I Hope That Service Tree does not allow to wash its Essence, that It Remains The Lord.
On our estate we received 7 Service Trees as a Gift, we have donated 4 to two families, they all dried but with us they all Took Roots, they have a great Posture and they already Bear Fruits!
   Since the first grade of elementary school and Acquaintance With Service Tree to 13 years ago it`s been about 54 years. God`s Will of the Connection between Service Tree and me travels on with the whole Family and It looks that we have been Entrusted With Common Path in the New God`s Environment 
Life is Wonderful if we can Allow and Accept that God Guides us, Follow God`s Guidelines, Do The Task Entrusted to us to settle our own debts and Set us Free!
There were and there still are a lot of Events Connected through unattractive opening which was waiting for God`s Content. Beside the basic Purposes the opening had and still has a Mission of Connecting and Interlinking, Sensuality and Responsibility.
We had it all ready for the start of the last part of the Building and it started to Rain heavily, there was Soil prepared for foundation in the right upper side,  much of the soil was Washed away so that a right corner of Home was hanging in the air. We were watching sadly and we were cleaning the new situation and probably everyone in the inside Asked for God`s Help, The same day in the afternoon the Sun was shining, we cleaned everything and wondered What to do next, in that moment an unfamiliar car came to the courtyard, two old friends got out, we haven’t seen them for a long time but they followed us anyway. This day, on Friday afternoon they Felt that they had to Come to us again. God Sathya Has Answered Our Prayers Again and Guided a Friend who worked with risk constructions! Exactly What Was Necessary In That Moment! We were Astonished What God Can Do If We Trust Him. The very next day a Friend sent a truck with the necessary material, he sent the man who was skilled in risk procedure and he also led the process, we helped, few hours later there was no evidence that there was something going on! It Is Clear To A Lot Of People That This Is A Project Of Noble Program, That God Sri Sathya Sai Baba Is Leading And Protecting It. We are all Responsible That The Flow Of Life Runs Humanely, Without Violence, Freely Deciding of an Individual for his own path! The world is large and it offers a lot of fun!

Listen To The Invisible World  Is A Grace Of Trust

         A few days ago I noticed that in the room for which I take care by myself,  a curtain was hanging weird. I know well every detail of all objects in the room and the need is that we are all connected in harmony and functionality. I noticed on the curtain that without any apparent reason a plastic clip on a wooden ring which connected the curtain with the ring has broken. It bothered me because the look of a curtain was spoiling the whole but at the same time I Felt that I was Offered A Grace To Accompany The Process Of The Invisible World Which Will Take Care For Everything All Alone if I can stay calm and not interfere!
Before I noticed the broken clip The Process Of The Invisible World Was already in the Stream, a few days prior to that a spring care of all windows and curtains was going on. The weather was windy and one day a string was broken, there were many curtains hanging on it. From one curtain a wooden ring with plastic clip fell away. The ring which fell off belonged to a curtain from another room but we have already decided before the action to change the curtain and it is Resting at the moment.
Everything was going on for a couple of days but to me a look to a curtain in the room which was excluded from general cleaning was annoying but  at the same time I Felt that I have to Respect The Discipline Of Humility and that I have to Trust!
When we were picking up the curtains from a broken string we noticed that a wooden ring with plastic clip was missing but nobody was successful in searching, we accepted the answer  because the curtain was going to rest and not on a window and we didn`t need it.
The days went on, the care for windows and curtains came to an end but a process on a curtain in my room was still disfigured. Regarding the Promise to myself that I'm Tolerant, this Gave me  Strength to Insist with my Decision  and  to stay Calm.
   A few days later in the afternoon, The Family gathered and we observed  the  Nature, all of a sudden Peacocks from the left and right side of Home turned to the west and they rapidly walked across the slope into the valley, all in one direction. The liveliness of Peacocks was not mentally reasonable but at the same time we all felt that the Purpose Of The Peacocks Was Understandable Only To The Peacocks, we could only guess. In that moment Jure joined us, he immediately Perceived the activity of Peacocks reactions, he joined them unobtrusively and he travelled with Peacocks across the slope into the valley. At once in the middle of the slope all Peacocks Suddenly Stopped, they turned back toward Home and Jure did the same. When he turned the step he noticed in the Grass a wooden ring with a plastic clip, he picked it up and unburdened returned home with Peacocks. Just in front of the Home we have strings stretched for laundry drying, where a few days ago curtains dried when one of the strings broke. One ring was torn off and disappeared in unknown location. This day The invisible World Took Care and together with Peacocks through Jure Carried Out The Path to a wooden ring which was a few days ago blown away about 60 m. He found it, picked it up and took it to the place for laundry drying, a basket for dry laundry  was waiting for my bedding there. An interesting  Fact is that Jure knew nothing of this Little events because in those days he led obligations in the Bee house.  Nevertheless he had a crucial task, he came at the Right time, he went on a Journey with Peacocks, he found a ring, came back home with Peacocks, on the way home he unburdened put the ring in the basket and he unburdened went on to the Bee house.
In the evening I decided to settle my room, the basket remained empty, only at the bottom there was a wooden ring with plastic clip. It Rang in my left ear, I heard a Joyous laugh in myself. I took a wooden ring, hung it on a curtain and in An Instant Everything Was Harmonized!
The  Invisible World Is Present regardless of our reactions, with mentioned event I tried to make Its Power closer to you.  Seekers of the Truth ask me to explain The Invisible World but This Is Not Easy, because the material world, the world of civilisation darkened the Originality to many people!
The event shows that in Universe there are no Small or large events. All Events Programmed  by Universe Are Important, it is nonsense to change Them. The Wisdom Is to Accept Them, to Learn, to Follow Them, to be Their Reflection In Thoughts, Words and Deeds!
It Was The Invisible World  Who Entirely Took Care for the image of a curtain, a Test in me Revealed the Level of Trust without mental interference.
